首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >As production goes global, drug supply faces greater risks to safety, quality.

As production goes global, drug supply faces greater risks to safety, quality.


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A SUDDEN SPIKE IN ADVERSE EVENTS among patients receiving dialysis in 2007 led public health authorities on an international chase to find the cause. The culprit, it turned out, was adulterated heparin that contained over-sulfated chondroitin sulfate, a substance added to the drug at some point during its production in China.The adulteration, estimated to have netted the individuals responsible for adding the chemical between Dollars 1 million and Dollars 3 million, led to hundreds of adverse events, including at least 3 deaths, according to a recent report (http://tinyurl.com/3nhypp7) from the Pew Health Group about the growing risks of substandard and counterfeit medications resulting from the increasing overseas production of pharmaceu-ticals and their ingredients.
机译:2007年,在接受透析的患者中发生的突发事件导致公共卫生当局在国际上追逐其原因。事实证明,罪魁祸首是掺假的肝素,其中含有过度硫酸化的软骨素硫酸盐,这种物质在中国生产过程中有时会添加到该药物中。皮尤健康集团(Pew Health Group)最近的一份报告(http://tinyurl.com/3nhypp7)指出,不合格药品和假冒药品导致的风险日益增加,造成百万美元和300万美元的不良事件导致数百种不良事件,包括至少3人死亡。来自不断增长的药品及其成分的海外生产。



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