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Remote interventions may facilitate weight loss.


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To the Editor: The Commentary by Drs Brownell and Lud-wig1 about limiting purchases of sugar-sweetened beverages with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) funds misses an important point. SNAP is an effective program for addressing food insecurity.2 It is intended to supplement resources available to families for buying food and was not designed to police the healthfulness of food purchases. Screening SNAP purchases for healthfulness is not feasible without unacceptable increases in costs.3 Moreover, in caloric or glycemic index terms, juice, sports drinks, and other flavored water drinks can be as obesogenic as soda, depending on the level of intake and consumers' activity levels. Where and how does one draw the line? Until healthful food is accessible and affordable in all communities, modifying SNAP in an effort to reduce recipients' consumption of unhealthful foods will cost more and leave less to help families put food on the table.
机译:致编者:布朗内尔博士和路德维格博士关于用补充营养援助计划(SNAP)资金限制购买含糖饮料的评论缺少一个要点。 SNAP是解决粮食不安全问题的有效计划。2该计划旨在补充家庭可用于购买食物的资源,其目的不是为了监管购买食物的健康。在不增加成本的情况下,对SNAP购买的食品进行健康检查是不可行的。3此外,就卡路里或血糖指数而言,果汁,运动饮料和其他调味水饮料的致肥胖性与苏打水一样,这取决于摄入量和消费者的摄入水平。活动水平。一个人在哪里以及如何划界线?在所有社区都可以买到和买得起健康食品之前,对SNAP进行修改以减少接收者对非健康食品的消费将花费更多,更少的钱来帮助家庭摆上餐桌。



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