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Transfusion requirements after cardiac surgery: the TRACS randomized controlled trial.


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CONTEXT: Perioperative red blood cell transfusion is commonly used to address anemia, an independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality after cardiac operations; however, evidence regarding optimal blood transfusion practice in patients undergoing cardiac surgery is lacking. OBJECTIVE: To define whether a restrictive perioperative red blood cell transfusion strategy is as safe as a liberal strategy in patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PATIENTS: The Transfusion Requirements After Cardiac Surgery (TRACS) study, a prospective, randomized, controlled clinical noninferiority trial conducted between February 2009 and February 2010 in an intensive care unit at a university hospital cardiac surgery referral center in Brazil. Consecutive adult patients (n = 502) who underwent cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass were eligible; analysis was by intention-to-treat. INTERVENTION: Patients were randomly assigned to a liberal strategy of blood transfusion (to maintain a hematocrit >/=30%) or to a restrictive strategy (hematocrit >/=24%). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Composite end point of 30-day all-cause mortality and severe morbidity (cardiogenic shock, acute respiratory distress syndrome, or acute renal injury requiring dialysis or hemofiltration) occurring during the hospital stay. The noninferiority margin was predefined at -8% (ie, 8% minimal clinically important increase in occurrence of the composite end point). RESULTS: Hemoglobin concentrations were maintained at a mean of 10.5 g/dL (95% confidence interval [CI], 10.4-10.6) in the liberal-strategy group and 9.1 g/dL (95% CI, 9.0-9.2) in the restrictive-strategy group (P < .001). A total of 198 of 253 patients (78%) in the liberal-strategy group and 118 of 249 (47%) in the restrictive-strategy group received a blood transfusion (P < .001). Occurrence of the primary end point was similar between groups (10% liberal vs 11% restrictive; between-group difference, 1% [95% CI, -6% to 4%]; P = .85). Independent of transfusion strategy, the number of transfused red blood cell units was an independent risk factor for clinical complications or death at 30 days (hazard ratio for each additional unit transfused, 1.2 [95% CI, 1.1-1.4]; P = .002). CONCLUSION: Among patients undergoing cardiac surgery, the use of a restrictive perioperative transfusion strategy compared with a more liberal strategy resulted in noninferior rates of the combined outcome of 30-day all-cause mortality and severe morbidity. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT01021631.
机译:背景:围手术期的红细胞输注通常用于解决贫血,贫血是心脏手术后发病和死亡的独立危险因素。然而,缺乏关于进行心脏手术的患者最佳输血实践的证据。目的:确定围手术期进行限制性红细胞输注策略是否与常规策略一样安全。设计,地点和患者:心脏手术后的输血要求(TRACS)研究是一项前瞻性,随机,对照临床非劣效性试验,于2009年2月至2010年2月在巴西一家大学医院心脏外科转诊中心的重症监护室进行。连续接受心脏外科手术并接受体外循环的成年患者(n = 502);分析是通过意向性治疗。干预:将患者随机分配至输血自由策略(维持血细胞比容> / = 30%)或限制性策略(血细胞比容> / = 24%)。主要观察指标:住院期间发生的30天全因死亡率和严重发病率(心源性休克,急性呼吸窘迫综合征或需要透析或血液滤过的急性肾损伤)的复合终点。非劣效性边缘预定义为-8%(即,复合终点发生时临床上最小的重要临床意义增加8%)。结果:自由策略组的血红蛋白浓度平均维持在10.5 g / dL(95%置信区间[CI],10.4-10.6),限制性血球蛋白浓度维持在9.1 g / dL(95%CI,9.0-9.2)。策略组(P <.001)。自由策略组的253名患者中有198名患者(78%),限制性策略组的249名患者中有118名(47%)接受了输血(P <.001)。各组之间主要终点的发生率相似(10%为自由组vs. 11%限制性组;组间差异为1%[95%CI,-6%至4%]; P = 0.85)。与输血策略无关,输血红细胞单位的数量是30天临床并发症或死亡的独立危险因素(每增加一个输血单位的危险比为1.2 [95%CI,1.1-1.4]; P = .002 )。结论:在接受心脏手术的患者中,围手术期使用限制性输注策略与较宽松的策略相比,导致30天全因死亡率和严重发病率综合结果的发生率不差。试验注册:clinicaltrials.gov标识符:NCT01021631。



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