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The cover. Temples and bathing ghat at Benares.


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THE SIREN SONG OF THE NEAR EAST LURED EDWIN LORD Weeks (1849-1903) to travel as far as India, a land replete with exotic temptations and unusual vistas. To the Boston-born painter, deserts, riverbanks, mosques, temples, camels, tent hangings, narrow archways of the souk, and local inhabitants all represented snapshots of his experiences: he transported his contemporary audience to the fragrant melange that was the jewel in the crown of the British Empire. Temples and Bathing Ghat at Benares (cover) exemplifies Weeks' works of the era, a visual travelogue for those anchored to the shores of North America or the crowded cities and ghettoes of western Europe. Executed after Weeks' first trip to India in the early 1880s, Temples and Bathing Ghat at Benares depicts a scene far removed from anything the artist experienced in New England or even in Paris, where he received his art education in the studio of Leon Bonnat.
机译:靠近埃德温·埃德温·罗德(Edwin Lord)星期的东方之歌(1849-1903)游到印度,这片土地上充满着异国风情的诱惑和不寻常的远景。对于出生于波士顿的画家而言,沙漠,河岸,清真寺,寺庙,骆驼,帐篷悬挂,露天市场狭窄的拱门和当地居民都代表了他的经历的缩影:他将当代的观众带到了香气浓郁的混杂物上,这是大英帝国的王冠。贝纳雷斯(盖纳斯)的神庙和沐浴高德(封面)体现了Weeks时代的作品,是锚定在北美海岸或西欧拥挤的城市和贫民窟的人们的视觉旅行。贝纳雷斯(Benares)的Temples和Bathing Ghat在Weeks于1880年代初首次访问印度后执行,描绘的场景与这位艺术家在新英格兰乃至巴黎所经历的一切相去甚远,在那里他在Leon Bonnat的工作室接受了艺术教育。



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