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Human rights abuses and concerns about women's health and human rights in southern Iraq.


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CONTEXT: Although human rights abuses have been reported in Iraq, the full scope of these abuses has not been well documented. OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of human rights abuses since 1991 in southern Iraq, along with attitudes about women's health and human rights and women's rights and roles in society, to inform reconstruction and humanitarian assistance efforts in Iraq. DESIGN: Cross-sectional, randomized survey of Iraqi men and women conducted in July 2003 using structured questionnaires. SETTING: Three major cities in 3 of the 9 governorates in southern Iraq. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 1991 respondents representing 16 520 household members. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Respondent demographics, information on human rights abuses that occurred among household members since 1991, women's health and human rights, opinions regarding women's rights and roles in society, and conditions for community health and development. RESULTS: Respondents were a mean age of 38 years and were mostly of Arab ethnicity (99.7% [1976/1982]) and Muslim Shi'a (96.7% [1906/1971]). Overall, 47% of those interviewed reported 1 or more of the following abuses among themselves and household members since 1991: torture, killings, disappearance, forced conscription, beating, gunshot wounds, kidnappings, being held hostage, and ear amputation, among others. Seventy percent of abuses (408/586) were reputed to have occurred in homes. Baath party regime-affiliated groups were identified most often (95% [449/475]) as the perpetrators of the abuses; 53% of the abuses occurred between 1991 and 1993, following the Shi'a uprising, and another 30% between 2000 and the first 6 months of 2003. While the majority of men and women expressed support for women's equal opportunities for education, freedom of expression, access to health care, equality in deciding marriage and the number and spacing of children, and participation in community development decisions, there was less support among both men and women for women's freedom of movement, association with people of their choosing, and rights to refuse sex. Half of women and men (54% and 50%, respectively) reported agreeing that a man has the right to beat his wife if she disobeys. Fifty-three percent of respondents reported that there were reasons to restrict educational opportunities for women at the present time and 50% reported that there were reasons to restrict work opportunities for women at the present time. CONCLUSIONS: Nearly half of participating households in 3 southern cities in Iraq reported human rights abuses among household members between 1991 and 2003. The households surveyed supported a government that will protect and promote human rights, including the rights of women. However, currently, neither men nor women appear to support a full range of women's human rights.
机译:背景:尽管在伊拉克已经报告了侵犯人权的行为,但是这些侵犯行为的全部范围没有得到充分的记录。目的:评估伊拉克南部地区自1991年以来的侵犯人权情况,以及对妇女健康和人权以及妇女权利和社会角色的态度,为伊拉克的重建和人道主义援助工作提供信息。设计:2003年7月使用结构化问卷对伊拉克男女进行了横断面,随机调查。地点:伊拉克南部9个省中的3个省中的三个主要城市。参与者:共有1991位受访者代表16 520位家庭成员。主要观察指标:人口统计学,1991年以来家庭成员中发生的侵犯人权行为,妇女的健康和人权,关于妇女的权利和在社会中的作用的意见以及社区健康和发展的条件。结果:受访者的平均年龄为38岁,主要是阿拉伯人(99.7%[1976/1982])和穆斯林什叶派(96.7%[1906/1971])。总体而言,自1991年以来,有47%的受访者表示自己和家庭成员遭受以下一种或多种虐待:酷刑,杀人,失踪,被迫征募,殴打,枪伤,绑架,被扣为人质和截肢等。百分之七十的虐待事件(408/586)据说发生在房屋中。复兴党政权下属的群体最常被认定为虐待的肇事者(95%[449/475]); 53%的虐待发生在1991年至1993年的什叶派起义之后,另外30%的虐待发生在2000年至2003年头6个月之间。尽管大多数男人和女人都表示支持妇女享有平等的受教育机会,表达,获得卫生保健的机会,决定婚姻的平等以及子女的数目和间距以及参与社区发展决定的机会,男女之间在妇女的行动自由,与他们选择的人交往以及权利方面的支持较少拒绝做爱。一半的女性和男性(分别为54%和50%)报告同意,男人有权不服妻子而殴打妻子。 53%的受访者表示,目前有理由限制女性的受教育机会,而50%的受访者表示,目前有理由限制女性的工作机会。结论:1991年至2003年之间,伊拉克3个南部城市的近半数参与调查的家庭报告称家庭成员中存在侵犯人权的行为。接受调查的家庭支持政府将保护和促进包括妇女权利在内的人权。但是,目前,无论男女,似乎都没有支持妇女的全部人权。



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