首页> 外文期刊>JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association >Effect of hydroxyurea on mortality and morbidity in adult sickle cell anemia: risks and benefits up to 9 years of treatment.

Effect of hydroxyurea on mortality and morbidity in adult sickle cell anemia: risks and benefits up to 9 years of treatment.


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CONTEXT: Hydroxyurea increases levels of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) and decreases morbidity from vaso-occlusive complications in patients with sickle cell anemia (SCA). High HbF levels reduce morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether hydroxyurea attenuates mortality in patients with SCA. DESIGN: Long-term observational follow-up study of mortality in patients with SCA who originally participated in the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Multicenter Study of Hydroxyurea in Sickle Cell Anemia (MSH), conducted in 1992-1995, to determine if hydroxyurea reduces vaso-occlusive events. In the MSH Patients' Follow-up, conducted in 1996-2001, patients could continue, stop, or start hydroxyurea. Data were collected during the trial and in the follow-up period. SETTING: Inpatients and outpatients in 21 sickle cell referral centers in the United States and Canada. PATIENTS: Two-hundred ninety-nine adult patients with frequent painful episodes enrolled in the follow-up. Follow-up data through May 2001 were complete for 233 patients. INTERVENTION: In the MSH, patients were randomly assigned to receive hydroxyurea (n = 152) or placebo (n = 147). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Mortality, HbF levels, painful episodes, acute chest syndrome, and blood cell counts. The randomized trial was not designed to detect specified differences in mortality. RESULTS: Seventy-five of the original 299 patients died, 28% from pulmonary disease. Patients with reticulocyte counts less than 250 000/mm3 and hemoglobin levels lower than 9 g/dL had increased mortality (P =.002). Cumulative mortality at 9 years was 28% when HbF levels were lower than 0.5 g/dL after the trial was completed compared with 15% when HbF levels were 0.5 g/dL or higher (P =.03 ). Individuals who had acute chest syndrome during the trial had 32% mortality compared with 18% of individuals without acute chest syndrome (P =.02). Patients with 3 or more painful episodes per year during the trial had 27% mortality compared with 17% of patients with less frequent episodes (P =.06). Taking hydroxyurea was associated with a 40% reduction in mortality (P =.04) in this observational follow-up with self-selected treatment. There were 3 cases of cancer, 1 fatal. CONCLUSIONS: Adult patients taking hydroxyurea for frequent painful sickle cell episodes appear to have reduced mortality after 9 of years follow-up. Survival was related to HbF levels and frequency of vaso-occlusive events. Whether indications for hydroxyurea treatment should be expanded is unknown.
机译:上下文:羟基尿素可增加镰状细胞性贫血(SCA)患者的胎儿血红蛋白(HbF)水平,并降低因血管闭塞并发症引起的发病率。高HbF水平可降低发病率和死亡率。目的:确定羟基脲是否能降低SCA患者的死亡率。设计:1992年至1995年进行的SCA患者死亡率的长期观察性随访研究,该患者最初参加了随机,双盲,安慰剂对照的镰刀菌性贫血中羟基脲的多中心研究,以确定如果羟基脲减少血管闭塞事件。在1996-2001年进行的MSH患者随访中,患者可以继续,停止或开始使用羟基脲。在试验期间和随访期间收集数据。地点:美国和加拿大的21个镰状细胞转诊中心的住院病人和门诊病人。患者:随访了299例频繁发作疼痛的成年患者。截止2001年5月,已完成233例患者的随访数据。干预:在MSH中,患者被随机分配接受羟基脲(n = 152)或安慰剂(n = 147)。主要观察指标:死亡率,HbF水平,疼痛发作,急性胸综合症和血细胞计数。该随机试验并非旨在检测特定的死亡率差异。结果:最初的299例患者中有75例死亡,其中28%死于肺部疾病。网织红细胞计数低于250000 / mm3且血红蛋白水平低于9 g / dL的患者死亡率增加(P = .002)。试验结束后,当HbF水平低于0.5 g / dL时,9年累积死亡率为28%,而当HbF水平为0.5 g / dL或更高时,累积死亡率为15%(P = .03)。在试验期间患有急性胸综合症的人的死亡率为32%,而没有急性胸综合症的人的死亡率为18%(P = .02)。在试验期间,每年发生3次或以上疼痛发作的患者死亡率为27%,而发作频率较低的患者为17%(P = .06)。在这种选择自我治疗的观察性随访中,服用羟基脲可使死亡率降低40%(P = .04)。有3例癌症,其中1例致命。结论:接受羟基脲治疗的频繁镰状细胞发作频繁的成年患者在随访9年后死亡率似乎降低。存活与HbF水平和血管闭塞事件的频率有关。羟基脲治疗的适应症是否应扩大尚不清楚。



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