首页> 外文期刊>Circulation journal >An interplay between left ventricular wall thickness and T-wave alternans in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in predicting ventricular tachyarrythmic events: is T-wave amplitude difference the reason?

An interplay between left ventricular wall thickness and T-wave alternans in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in predicting ventricular tachyarrythmic events: is T-wave amplitude difference the reason?


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The contribution by Puntmann et al, provides a fresh insight in the implementation of T-wave alternans (TWA) testing for patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM); the currently prevailing notion is that TWA does not contribute much to the stratification of patients with HCM to those benefitting or not from an implantable cardioverter/defibril-lator. The authors found that echocardiographically-derived maximal and regional left ventricular wall thickness (LVWT) in patients with HCM constitute independent predictors of future ventricular tachy arrhythmic events (VTE). VTE were more frequent in patients with positive or indeterminate TWA. Also interesting associations between age, left ventricular mass, maximal LVWT, and regional LVWT with positive and/or indeterminate TWA were found. The work identifies the LVWT as an independent predictor of a positive response to TWA testing, with a complimentary role in risk stratification of patients with HCM.
机译:Puntmann等人的贡献为肥厚型心肌病(HCM)患者实施T波交替蛋白(TWA)测试提供了新的见解;目前流行的观点是,TWA不会对HCM患者的分层产生太大的帮助,对于那些受益于或未受益于植入式心脏复律器/去纤颤剂的患者而言。作者发现,超声心动图得出的HCM患者最大和局部左心室壁厚(LVWT)构成了未来心室性心律失常事件(VTE)的独立预测因子。 TWA阳性或不确定的患者中VTE更为频繁。还发现年龄,左心室质量,最大LVWT和局部LVWT与阳性和/或不确定TWA之间的有趣关联。这项工作将LVWT识别为TWA测试阳性反应的独立预测因素,并且在HCM患者的风险分层中起补充作用。



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