首页> 外文期刊>Discrete event dynamic systems: Theory and applications >Model approximation for batch flow shop scheduling with fixed batch sizes

Model approximation for batch flow shop scheduling with fixed batch sizes


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Batch flow shops model systems that process a variety of job types using a fixed infrastructure. This model has applications in several areas including chemical manufacturing, building construction, and assembly lines. Since the throughput of such systems depends, often strongly, on the sequence in which they produce various products, scheduling these systems becomes a problem with very practical consequences. Nevertheless, optimally scheduling these systems is NP-complete. This paper demonstrates that batch flow shops can be represented as a particular kind of heap model in the max-plus algebra. These models are shown to belong to a special class of linear systems that are globally stable over finite input sequences, indicating that information about past states is forgotten in finite time. This fact motivates a new solution method to the scheduling problem by optimally solving scheduling problems on finite-memory approximations of the original system. Error in solutions for these "t-step" approximations is bounded and monotonically improving with increasing model complexity, eventually becoming zero when the complexity of the approximation reaches the complexity of the original system.
机译:批处理流水车间对使用固定基础结构处理各种作业类型的系统进行建模。该模型在化学制造,建筑施工和装配线等多个领域都有应用。由于此类系统的吞吐量通常很大程度上取决于它们生产各种产品的顺序,因此安排这些系统成为一个非常实际的问题。但是,最佳调度这些系统是NP完整的。本文证明了批处理流水车间可以表示为max-plus代数中的一种特殊的堆模型。这些模型显示为属于一类特殊的线性系统,该线性系统在有限输入序列上是全局稳定的,这表明有关过去状态的信息在有限时间内被忘记了。通过在原始系统的有限内存近似上最优地解决调度问题,这一事实为解决调度问题提供了一种新的解决方法。这些“ t步”逼近的解决方案中的误差是有界的,并且随着模型复杂度的增加而单调提高,最终在逼近的复杂度达到原始系统的复杂度时变为零。



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