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Enjoying a Good Drop of Winewith a Good Environmental Conscience


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Sustainable wine production is becoming more and more important for many wine producers and consumers who like a 'Igood drop?1. Waste water management plays a significant role here. For the vintner, conscious handling of water resources means considerable saving potential and for tourists and nature there are further advantages. SUSTAVINO, an EU project which is coordinated by ttz Bremerhaven and soon to end, makes efficient waste water management possible. In addition, SUSTAVINO has included the development of a quality seal which is used to label sustainably produced wine. The 38-month SUSTAVINO project, the subject of which is integrated and sustainable wine production in Europe, is drawing to a successful close. In the course of the project, ttzBremerhaven developed a strategy with which to improve comprehensively the sustainability of vineyards. This comprises the following modules: Waste reduction, decrease of water consumption, waste water treatment and re-use, as well as waste treatment and valorisation. After a test phase on a laboratory scale, the treatment and valorization processes were put into practice on a pilot scale in four European vineyards.
机译:可持续的葡萄酒生产对于许多喜欢“ Igood下降”的葡萄酒生产商和消费者来说变得越来越重要1。废水管理在这里起着重要作用。对于葡萄酒商来说,有意识地处理水资源意味着巨大的节约潜力,对于游客和自然界来说,还有更多的优势。 SUSTAVINO是由ttz不来梅哈芬(ttz Bremerhaven)协调并即将结束的欧盟项目,使高效的废水管理成为可能。此外,SUSTAVINO还开发了用于标记可持续生产葡萄酒的优质印章。为期38个月的SUSTAVINO项目以欧洲的一体化和可持续葡萄酒生产为主题,该项目即将圆满结束。在该项目的过程中,ttzBremerhaven制定了一项战略,以全面改善葡萄园的可持续性。它包括以下模块:减少废物,减少用水量,废水处理和再利用以及废物处理和增值。经过实验室规模的测试阶段后,在四个欧洲葡萄园以试点规模实施了处理和增值过程。



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