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Petrobras' ambitious PROPOCO a 'road map' for optimizing well construction performance


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KEY PERFORMANCE indicators (KPI) are routinely used by oil companies to measure operational performance. In drilling, for example, a common indicator is a depth vs days curve, in which specific well construction events are plotted against the duration or time taken per event. This highlights "flat-spots" showing the occurrence of downtime or NPT (nonproductive time). Worldwide, the average value for NPT varies between 20 percent-30 percentof overall well construction time. Oil companies with the highest performance levels typically exhibit NPT between 10 percent-15 percent. Petrobras recently launched the PROPOCO program, which aims to place the company in the top quartile of well construction performance by improving the well planning process and reducing NPT associated with well construction and maintenance. The program is being conducted under the leadership of Braulio Bastos, general manager of well technology for Petrobras.
机译:石油公司通常使用关键绩效指标(KPI)来衡量运营绩效。例如,在钻井中,一个共同的指标是深度与天数曲线,其中针对每个事件的持续时间或时间绘制了特定的井建设事件。这突出显示了“停顿点”,显示了停机时间或NPT(非生产时间)的发生。在全球范围内,NPT的平均值在整个油井建设时间的20%-30%之间变化。具有最高绩效水平的石油公司通常会表现出10%-15%的NPT。巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras)最近启动了PROPOCO计划,该计划旨在通过改善油井规划流程并减少与油井建造和维护相关的NPT,将公司置于油井建造绩效的前四分之一。该计划是在巴西国家石油公司钻井技术总经理Braulio Bastos的领导下进行的。



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