
On pure spinor formalism for quantum superstring and spinor moving frame


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The D = 10 pure spinor constraint can be solved in terms of spinor moving frame variables and eight-component complex null vector, which can be related to the κ-symmetry ghost. Using this and similar solutions for the conjugate pure spinor and other elements of the non-minimal pure spinor formalism, we present a (hopefully useful) reformulation of the measure of the pure spinor path integral for superstring in terms of products of Cartan forms corresponding to the coset of 10D Lorentz group and to the coset of complex orthogonal group SO(8, C). Our study suggests a possible complete reformulation of the pure spinor superstring in terms of new irreducible set of variable.
机译:D = 10的纯自旋约束可通过自旋运动框架变量和八分量复零向量来解决,这可能与κ对称幻影有关。使用共轭纯正弦子和非最小纯正弦子形式主义的其他元素的这种和类似的解决方案,我们提出了(希望有用)对超弦的纯正弦子路径积分的度量的重新表述,其形式为10D Lorentz基团的陪集和复杂正交基团SO(8,C)的陪集。我们的研究表明,根据新的不可约变量集,可能完全重新构造纯净的脊髓超弦。



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