首页> 外文期刊>Climate research >Application of factor analysis for quantification of climate-forming processes in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region

Application of factor analysis for quantification of climate-forming processes in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region


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Factor analysis (FA) is applied to identify climate-forming factors and quantitatively evaluate their importance in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region. Monthly data from 7 meteorological stations are used: average maximum and average minimum of air temperature (T-1 and T-2), atmospheric pressure (P), wind speed at a height of 10 m (v), monthly precipitation (Q), duration of sunshine (S) and partial pressure of water vapour (e). FA reveals that the variables form 2 main groups (meteorological complexes): a hygrothermal complex-T-1, T-2 and e-and a baric-radiational complex-P, Q and S. Both meteorological complexes exist almost independently of each other (in cold seasons in particular), i.e. it is possible to distinguish the 2 most important types of climate-forming processes in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region, One of them is advection related to the input of various air masses whose features are best reflected by air temperature and humidity. The other process mostly takes place within 1 pressure system (cyclone or anticyclone): air mass transformation, vertical mixing, formation of clouds and related precipitation and input of solar radiation. [References: 22]
机译:因子分析(FA)用于识别气候形成因子,并定量评估其在波罗的海地区东部的重要性。使用来自7个气象站的月度数据:气温的最高和最低平均值(T-1和T-2),大气压力(P),10 m高度的风速(v),月降水量(Q) ,日照持续时间(S)和水蒸气分压(e)。 FA揭示了这些变量形成2个主要组(气象复合体):湿热复合体T-1,T-2和e-以及重辐射复合体P,Q和S。这两种气象复合体几乎彼此独立地存在(特别是在寒冷季节),即可以区分波罗的海地区东部的两种最重要的气候形成过程类型,其中之一是与涉及各种气团输入的平流有关最好由空气温度和湿度反映。其他过程主要发生在一个压力系统(旋风或反旋风)内:空气质量转变,垂直混合,云层形成以及相关的降水和太阳辐射的输入。 [参考:22]



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