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Me-too drugs and me-too people


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Like hypotheses, concepts are important to our understanding and point the direction for actions and tests. The concept of me-toodrugs is simple and powerful and' misleadingly deemphasizes the value of these drugs for patients and physicians. The term me-too drug has been used in several ways, by some even to mean a generic drug.However, the term is historically and most accu-- rately used to describe a drug with a mechanism of action similar to a drug already on the market. Although chemically distinct, the me-too drug will usually have a chemical structure that is similar to the first-to-market drug, which is viewed as having established the therapeutic category. These category-creating drugs are also called innovator or breakthrough drugs. Corticoste-roids, retinoids, and antihistamines are examples familiar to dermatologists.
机译:就像假设一样,概念对于我们的理解很重要,并为行动和测试指明了方向。 Me-toodrugs的概念简单而强大,并且误导了这些药物对患者和医生的价值。 me-too药物一词已经以多种方式使用,甚至有人指的是通用药物,但是,该术语在历史上并且最准确地用于描述一种药物的作用机理与已经在使用的药物相似市场。尽管在化学上是不同的,但中型药物通常将具有与首次上市药物相似的化学结构,后者被认为已确立了治疗类别。这些创造类别的药物也称为创新药物或突破性药物。皮质类固醇,类维生素A和抗组胺药是皮肤科医生熟悉的例子。



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