首页> 外文期刊>Drug safety: An international journal of medical toxicology and drug experience >Haematological Effects of Interferon-beta-1a (Rebif((R))) Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis.

Haematological Effects of Interferon-beta-1a (Rebif((R))) Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis.


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INTRODUCTION: Interferon-beta-1a (Rebif((R))) is an established treatment for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) and haematological changes are commonly reported in clinical trials of this agent. The combined clinical trial and postmarketing safety database for subcutaneous interferon-beta-1a (Rebif((R))) allows a comprehensive, retrospective assessment of both common and infrequent haematological effects associated with interferon-beta therapy. METHODS: Haematological laboratory abnormalities were analysed from six randomised, controlled clinical trials of subcutaneous interferon-beta-1a in MS, five of which were placebo-controlled. Treatment data were collected from 2482 patients for up to 6 months, 1178 patients for up to 2 years and 786 patients for up to 6 years. Total interferon-beta-1a doses ranged from 22 micro g once weekly to 44 micro g three times weekly. Postmarketing surveillance data were also analysed. RESULTS: Treatment with interferon-beta-1a led to asymptomatic dose-related reductions in all cell lineages under investigation, predominantly white blood cells. The greatest differences between interferon-beta-1a therapy and placebo were seen for total leucocyte and neutrophil counts. At least two-thirds of patients affected by cytopenia experienced the onset of cytopenia within the first 6 months of therapy. The majority of events were mild and generally resolved within 3-4 months, while continuing therapy. Dose reductions were uncommon and only a small proportion (6 of 727; 0.8%) of patients stopped treatment over 2 years because of haematological abnormalities when receiving the highest dose of interferon-beta-1a, 44 micro g three times weekly. Postmarketing safety reports were similarly related to asymptomatic cytopenias, although one case of potentially related autoimmune haemolytic anaemia was reported. CONCLUSION: Although haematological abnormalities are common and dose-related in patients with MS receiving interferon-beta-1a, the events are mainly mild and transient, with little impact on adherence to therapy. Haematological events are rarely of clinical significance and do not adversely affect the benefit-to-risk ratio that favours high-dose interferon-beta-1a therapy.
机译:简介:干扰素-β-1a(Rebif(R))是复发缓解型多发性硬化症(MS)的既定治疗方法,血液学改变通常在该药物的临床试验中报道。皮下干扰素-β-1a(Rebif(R))的临床试验和上市后安全性数据库相结合,可以对与干扰素-β治疗相关的常见和不常见的血液学影响进行全面的回顾性评估。方法:从六个皮下干扰素-β-1a在MS的随机对照临床试验中分析了血液学实验室异常,其中五个是安慰剂对照的。从长达2个月的2482例患者,长达2年的1178例患者和长达6年的786例患者收集了治疗数据。干扰素-β-1a的总剂量范围从每周一次22微克到每周三次44克。还分析了上市后的监测数据。结果:干扰素-β-1a的治疗导致所研究的所有细胞系(主要是白细胞)的无症状剂量相关减少。干扰素-β-1a治疗与安慰剂之间的总白细胞和中性粒细胞计数差异最大。至少三分之二的受血细胞减少症影响的患者在治疗的前6个月内经历了血细胞减少症的发作。大多数事件为轻度,一般在3-4个月内消失,同时继续治疗。减少剂量的情况并不常见,并且当接受最高剂量的干扰素-β-1a(44微克)每周三次时,由于血液学异常,只有一小部分患者(727例中的6例; 0.8%)在两年内停止治疗。上市后的安全性报告与无症状的血细胞减少症相似,尽管据报道有1例潜在的自身免疫性溶血性贫血。结论:尽管接受干扰素-β-1a的多发性硬化患者血液学异常常见且与剂量相关,但事件主要是轻度和短暂的,对依从性的影响很小。血液学事件很少有临床意义,不会对有利于大剂量干扰素-β-1a治疗的获益比产生不利影响。



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