首页> 外文期刊>Drug and alcohol dependence >Male-female differences in the risk of progression from first use to dependence upon cannabis, cocaine, and alcohol.

Male-female differences in the risk of progression from first use to dependence upon cannabis, cocaine, and alcohol.


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INTRODUCTION: We extend prior reports about the risk of dependence on specific drugs by providing developmental-specific risk estimates for progression from first use to meeting criteria for DSM-III-R dependence upon cannabis, cocaine, or alcohol, as well as male-female differences. METHODS: The data are from the National Comorbidity Survey, with a national probability sample of persons 15-44 years old in the United States, which included many respondents who used cannabis, cocaine and alcohol on at least one occasion (n=3558, 1337, and 6149, for cannabis, cocaine, and alcohol, respectively). Survival analysis procedures provided cumulative risk estimates of progression from first use to dependence upon each drug. RESULTS: The estimated risk of cannabis dependence among male cannabis users was 1% in the first year after first use, and reached a peak at 4% per year 2 years later, before declining. In contrast, the estimated risk of cannabis dependence among female cannabis users remained at 1% per year for 3 years, without the peak. For both male and female cocaine users, the estimated risk for developing cocaine dependence was 5 to 6% within the first year after first use. Thereafter, the estimated risk declined from the peak value, with a somewhat faster decline for females in the next 3 years after first use. For alcohol, the estimated risk period extended for many years after the first drink, with female drinkers becoming alcohol dependent at a rate of about 1% per year; with somewhat higher risk for male drinkers. For both male and female drinkers, the period of risk for developing alcohol dependence extended for a span of more than 20 years since first use; for cannabis and cocaine, the estimated period of risk was much shorter. COMMENT: There are male-female differences in the risk of becoming cannabis dependent during the first several years after initiation of cannabis use, less pronounced male-female differences for alcohol, and relatively smaller male-female differences for cocaine. These resultsshould interest scientists whose focus is upon the origins of male-female differences in the occurrence of drug dependence.
机译:简介:我们通过提供从首次使用到满足大麻,可卡因或酒精以及雄性和雌性的DSM-III-R依赖标准的发展过程中的特定于发育的风险估计,扩展了先前有关特定药物风险的报告。差异。方法:数据来自全国合并症调查,该样本来自美国15-44岁人群的全国概率样本,其中包括许多至少一次使用过大麻,可卡因和酒精的受访者(n = 3558、1337) ,以及分别用于大麻,可卡因和酒精的6149)。生存分析程序提供了从首次使用到对每种药物的依赖性进展的累积风险估计。结果:男性大麻使用者中首次使用大麻后第一年的估计大麻依赖风险为1%,并在两年后的每年4%达到最高峰值后才下降。相比之下,女性大麻使用者中大麻依赖的估计风险连续3年保持在每年1%的水平,没有达到峰值。对于男性和女性可卡因使用者,在首次使用后的第一年内,估计可卡因依赖的风险为5%至6%。此后,估计风险从峰值下降,在首次使用后的三年内,女性下降的速度更快。对于酒精饮料,首次饮酒后的估计危险期会延长很多年,女性饮酒者每年以大约1%的速度依赖酒精;男性饮酒者的风险较高。对于男性和女性饮酒者,自首次使用以来,其对酒精依赖的风险期延长了20多年。对于大麻和可卡因,估计的风险期要短得多。评论:开始使用大麻后的最初几年,成瘾者吸食大麻的风险存在男女差异,酒精的男女差异较小,可卡因的男女差异较小。这些结果应该引起科学家的关注,他们的研究重点是药物依赖性发生中男女差异的起源。



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