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Super Sprowtz: Marrying Arts and Nutrition Education To Inspire Children To Eat More Vegetables

机译:超级斯普罗兹(Super Sprowtz):结合艺术和营养教育来激发孩子们多吃蔬菜

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Super Sprowtz was born out of a children's menu I designed for Slice, an organic pizzeria that my twin sister Miki and I opened in 2005 in New York City. As health fanatics and daily witnesses to the growing obesity epidemic, we were eager and motivated to make a difference-one healthy, unprocessed pizza at a time. As the creative director at Slice, I designed all of the menus and materials for the restaurant. One of the menus featured fun superhero vegetable characters with "super powers." Each vegetable character had a super power that was directly related to its nutritional benefit (Colby Carrot had Super Sight as carrots are high in vitamin A, a necessary nutrient for good vision, and Erica Eggplant was Super Smart because eggplants have nasunin, a phytonutrient known to combat free radicals). I sat with dozens of children coloring in menus and watching them excitedly ask for vegetables to put on their pizzas so they too could get super powers-much to their parent's (and my) amazement!
机译:超级斯普罗兹(Super Sprowtz)的诞生源于我为切片餐厅设计的儿童菜单,切片比萨店是我的双胞胎妹妹三木和我于2005年在纽约市开设的一家有机比萨店。作为健康狂热者和肥胖症流行病的日常见证,我们渴望并有动力一次改变一个健康的未经加工的比萨饼。作为Slice的创意总监,我为餐厅设计了所有菜单和材料。菜单之一以具有“超级力量”的有趣超级英雄蔬菜角色为特色。每个蔬菜字符都具有与其营养益处直接相关的超级功效(Colby Carrot拥有Super Sight,因为胡萝卜富含维生素A,这是保持良好视力所必需的营养素,而Erica茄子则是超级聪明的,因为茄子具有已知的植物营养素nasunin对抗自由基)。我和几十个孩子一起坐在菜单上着色,看着他们兴奋地要求蔬菜放在他们的披萨上,这样他们也可以得到超级大能力,这对父母(和我)都感到惊讶!



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