首页> 外文期刊>Drug and alcohol review >New directions for research on psychological interventions for drug and alcohol problems.

New directions for research on psychological interventions for drug and alcohol problems.


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Presentations by Professors William R. Miller [1] and G. Alan Marlatt [2] at the 2008 International Addiction Summit in Melbourne, Australia, provided cause for reflection on developments in the psychological interventions available for drug and alcohol problems over the last two decades. Both of these presenters had delivered keynote addresses at the 1990 International Conference on the Addictive Behaviours in Sydney. At that time, motivational interviewing [3] and relapse prevention [4] were relatively new approaches. Both approaches fitted well with the harm reduction philosophy [5] that increasingly underpinned Australia's drug and alcohol policies and services. It was an exciting time to be working in the drug and alcohol field in Australia, particularly in the delivery of psychological interventions. Thus, the 2008 conference presented the opportunity to compare psychological interventions currently available for drug and alcohol problems with those that were new in the 1980s. This Editorial presents some of the recommendations from the 2008 conference and draws on recent literature to offer suggestions for new directions on research on psychological interventions for drug and alcohol problems.
机译:William R. Miller教授[1]和G. Alan Marlatt [2]在澳大利亚墨尔本举行的2008年国际成瘾峰会上的演讲,反思了过去二十年来可用于毒品和酒精问题的心理干预措施的发展。这两位演讲者都在1990年悉尼国际成瘾行为国际会议上作了主题演讲。当时,动机访谈[3]和预防复发[4]是相对较新的方法。两种方法都符合减少伤害的理念[5],该理念日益成为澳大利亚毒品和酒精政策和服务的基础。在澳大利亚的毒品和酒精领域工作,特别是在提供心理干预方面,是一个令人兴奋的时刻。因此,2008年会议提供了将目前可用于毒品和酒精问题的心理干预措施与1980年代新措施进行比较的机会。本社论介绍了2008年会议的一些建议,并借鉴了最近的文献,为毒品和酒精问题的心理干预研究的新方向提供了建议。



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