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Parental supply of alcohol and adolescent risky drinking


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Introduction and Aims. In Australia, 20% of 14- to 19-year-olds drink at least weekly. Some parents supply alcohol to their adolescent children with the intention of limiting the quantity consumed, but it is possible that such supply facilitates risky drinking. We sought to determine whether there is an association between parental supply and risky drinking. Design and Methods. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in seven high schools in New South Wales, Australia. Five hundred and thirty students (mean age 16.0years, SD 1.3) completed survey items relating to their alcohol consumption, sources of alcohol, circumstances of parental supply, and peers' consumption. Results. Among respondents (response rate 43%), 93% of participants had tried alcohol, 66% had consumed at least a full glass, and 40% had consumed more than four drinks on a single occasion in the preceding month (risky drinking). Risky drinkers obtained alcohol mainly from friends (48%) and parents (19%). After controlling for school year and gender, and adjusting for clustering, parental supply for drinking under 'other' supervision (P=0.004) and with no supervision (P=0.007), the number of close friends believed to have consumed alcohol in the past month (P<0.001), and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander status (P=0.02) were all significantly associated with risky drinking. Discussion and Conclusions. Parental supply of alcohol for unsupervised drinking is associated with risky drinking among 13- to 17-year-olds. Longitudinal studies would assist in studying the temporal sequence and controlling for confounding.
机译:简介和目的。在澳大利亚,14至19岁的年轻人中至少有20%每周喝酒一次。一些父母为限制青春期孩子的饮酒量而向其青春期的孩子供应酒精,但是这种供应有可能促进危险饮酒。我们试图确定父母的供给与高风险饮酒之间是否存在关联。设计和方法。在澳大利亚新南威尔士州的七所中学进行了横断面调查。 530名学生(平均年龄16.0岁,SD 1.3)完成了与他们的饮酒,饮酒来源,父母的供应状况以及同伴的饮酒有关的调查项目。结果。在受访者中(答复率为43%),有93%的参与者尝试过饮酒,66%的人至少喝了一杯酒,还有40%的人在前一个月一次喝过四杯以上的酒(高风险饮酒)。高危饮酒者主要从朋友(48%)和父母(19%)那里获得酒精。在控制了学年和性别,调整了聚类,父母在“其他”监督下的饮酒供应(P = 0.004)和无监督(P = 0.007)之后,过去曾相信饮酒的密友数一个月(P <0.001)和原住民或托雷斯海峡岛民状态(P = 0.02)均与饮酒风险显着相关。讨论和结论。父母为无监督饮酒而饮酒会与13至17岁的青少年饮酒有关。纵向研究将有助于研究时间序列并控制混淆。



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