首页> 外文期刊>Doklady. Physics >Phase patterns of waves from localized sources moving relative to stratified rotating medium (Moving Hurricane, Orographic Obstacle)

Phase patterns of waves from localized sources moving relative to stratified rotating medium (Moving Hurricane, Orographic Obstacle)


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Wave motions in a continuum, as a rule, have dispersion. If it is a certain source that uniformly moves in such a medium, it generates a wave pattern around itself, the basic features of which are constant phase surfaces. The wind tangential stress initiated by the moving hurricane forms a structure in the form of the wave tail or trace in the ocean. It should be noted that the barotropic mode describes the free surface vibrations, and the baroclinic mode describes the interface vibrations. It should be noted that the characteristic values of buoyancy frequency N and the inertial frequency differ for the terrestrial atmosphere in middle latitudes by two orders of magnitude. For determining the pattern of leeward waves arising during the flow around, we use the model of a rotating continuously stratified atmosphere with a constant buoyancy frequency (Brunt frequency) N.



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