首页> 外文期刊>Der Ornithologische Beobachter >Populationsbiologie als zentrales Element der Naturschutzforschung

Populationsbiologie als zentrales Element der Naturschutzforschung


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A fundamental goal of conservation biology is the establishment of knowledge to increase the probability that population declines can be halted. Population biology plays a central role in this endeavour. Population analyses allow to recognise the demographic mechanisms underlying population change and to assess the effects of different management actions on future population developments. These insights may result either in targeted conservation actions or in the formulation of new focal hypotheses about population change. A central element of every population analysis is a population model which describes the link between population size and the demographic rates (survival, recruitment, emigration, immigration). In this essay I illustrate how population analyses provide insights for the conservation of four species (Eurasian Hoopoe Upu-pa epops, Eurasian Eagle-Owl Bubo bubo, Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barba-tus, Red Kite Milvus milvus). The first two case studies are retrospective, they identify demographic reasons for observed population change in the past. The second two case studies are prospective, they compare the effects of different management actions on the future development of the populations. Population analyses are not only central in conservation biology, they are equally important for setting sustainable harvest bags in exploited populations. The need to assess human impacts on wildlife will increase. Since an impact assessment of all actions needs to be performed at the level of populations, the demand for population biology is likely to increase as well.



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