首页> 外文期刊>Der Notarzt: Notfallmedizinische Informationen >Changings in the spectrum of air rescue missions [Ver?nderungen des Einsatzspektrums der Luftrettung]

Changings in the spectrum of air rescue missions [Ver?nderungen des Einsatzspektrums der Luftrettung]


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By analyzing and comparing data from two five-year periods (19801984 and 20002004), using data from the rescue helicopter Christoph 22, we investigated if and how the spectrum and the number of missions have changed during the last 25 years. The total number of missions almost doubled (3300 to 6200 missions), resulting in an increase of 88%. The cause of the missions has clearly shifted towards primary missions. A clear shift from trauma patients to patients with medical emergencies was noticed comparing the two periods (19801984: internal medicine 15.6% vs. trauma 71.1%; 20002004: internal medicine 43.1% vs. trauma 42.2%). However, the absolute number of trauma patients has of course increased with the total number of missions flown. In absolute numbers the life-threatening NACA scores IV to VI have increased as well, even though a trend to lower scores could be observed in the comparison of the two periods. The fundamental change of the spectrum of missions has thorough consequences concerning the mission tactics, the equipment as well as the qualification of the medical crew members of the rescue helicopter Christoph 22.
机译:通过使用来自救援直升机Christoph 22的两个五年期间(19801984和20002004)的数据进行分析和比较,我们调查了过去25年中频谱和任务数量是否以及如何改变。任务总数几乎翻了一番(3300到6200个任务),增加了88%。任务的原因显然已转向主要任务。比较这两个时期,注意到从创伤患者到急症患者的明显转变(19801984:内部医学为15.6%,创伤为71.1%; 20002004:内部医学为43.1%,创伤为42.2%)。但是,创伤患者的绝对数量当然会随着飞行任务总数的增加而增加。从绝对数字看,威胁生命的NACA分数IV至VI也有所增加,尽管在两个时期的比较中可以观察到分数降低的趋势。任务范围的根本变化对任务策略,设备以及救援直升机Christoph 22的医务人员的资格产生了彻底的影响。



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