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Are our publications failing the inspection?: A review of the publications in rectal cancer surgery between 2002 and 2012


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Background: Quality of publications is considered a subjective measurement, and more weight is placed on prospective studies, especially randomized clinical trials and meta-analyses. Objective: This study describes the type of publications and evaluates the quality of randomized clinical trials and review articles using an objective measurement. DATA SOURCES: Medline (PubMed) is the data source for this work. STUDY SELECTION: We used the terms "rectal neoplasms/surgery" and the filters "10 years," "humans," and "English." Main Outcome Measures: We measured compliance with checklist items. Randomized clinical trials were reviewed using the Consolidates Standards of Reporting Trials statement; systematic reviews/metaanalyses were reviewed using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement. Results: A total of 3603 articles were identified: 20.8% were case report/series, 20.5% were retrospective cohorts, 14.0% were reviews or meta-analyses, 16.4% were prospective cohorts, 14.0% were other types of articles (comments, letters, or editorials), 5.5% were clinical trials (phase I/II), 4.2% were randomized clinical trials, and 4.4% were cross-sectional studies. We reviewed 108 randomized clinical trials; the maximum score possible was 74.0, the average score was 44.6 (range, 20.0-64.0), 4 (3.7%) were graded as "excellent, " 21 (19.4%) were "good," 44 (40.7%) were "deficient," and 39 (36.1%) were graded as "fail." The predictors of higher scores for randomized clinical trials were year of publication after 2007 (p = 0.00), higher impact factor (p = 0.03), and declared funding (p = 0.01). Twenty-nine meta-analyses were reviewed; the average score was 19.64 (range, 12.0-25.0); 5 articles (17.2%) were graded as "excellent," 12 (41.4%) were "good," 10 (34.5%) were "deficient," and 2 (6.9%) were "fail." Limitations: Only 1 electronic database was used, so we lacked a validated score. In addition, the search terms did not include "colorectal." Conclusions: A total of 20.8% of the articles published were case reports and 25.0% of the articles were prospective or clinical trials. Although randomized clinical trials and systematic reviews provide the highest level of evidence, publications with missing data limit replication of the study and affect the generalizability of results to other populations. To improve the quality of our publications, authors, reviewers, and journal editors should consider the endorsement of standardize checklists.
机译:背景:出版物的质量被认为是一种主观的衡量标准,前瞻性研究尤其是随机临床试验和荟萃分析被赋予了更大的分量。目的:本研究描述了出版物的类型,并使用客观测量方法评估了随机临床试验和评论文章的质量。数据源:Medline(PubMed)是这项工作的数据源。研究选择:我们使用了“直肠肿瘤/外科手术”和“ 10年”,“人类”和“英语”作为过滤条件。主要结果指标:我们测量了对清单项目的遵守情况。使用《合并临床试验报告标准》声明对随机临床试验进行了回顾;系统评价/元分析使用“系统评价和荟萃分析的首选报告项目”进行了评价。结果:共鉴定到3603篇文章:病例报告/系列为20.8%,回顾性队列为20.5%,评论或荟萃分析为14.0%,前瞻性队列为16.4%,其他类型的文章(评论,信函)为14.0% (或社论),其中5.5%是临床试验(I / II期),4.2%是随机临床试验,4.4%是横断面研究。我们审查了108项随机临床试验;最高得分为74.0,平均得分为44.6(范围为20.0-64.0),其中4分(3.7%)被评为“优秀”,21分(19.4%)为“好”,44分(40.7%)为“差” ”和39(36.1%)评为“失败”。随机临床试验得分较高的预测因素是2007年后公布的年份(p = 0.00),影响因子较高的(p = 0.03)和宣布的资助金额(p = 0.01)。审查了二十九项荟萃分析;平均分是19.64(范围是12.0-25.0); 5篇(17.2%)被评为“优秀”,12篇(41.4%)被评为“好”,10篇(34.5%)被评为“不合格”,2篇(6.9%)被评为“不合格”。局限性:仅使用了1个电子数据库,因此我们缺乏经过验证的评分。另外,搜索词不包括“结直肠”。结论:共有20.8%的文章为病例报告,25.0%的文章为前瞻性或临床试验。尽管随机临床试验和系统评价提供了最高水平的证据,但缺少数据的出版物限制了该研究的重复并影响了结果对其他人群的推广。为了提高我们出版物的质量,作者,审稿人和期刊编辑应考虑认可标准化清单。



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