首页> 外文期刊>Turkish journal of chemistry >Synthesis and Vibrational Spectroscopic Study of Some Metal(II)Halide and Tetracyanonickelate Complexes of Isonicotinic Acid

Synthesis and Vibrational Spectroscopic Study of Some Metal(II)Halide and Tetracyanonickelate Complexes of Isonicotinic Acid


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The M(IN)_2Ni(CN)_4 [where M:Cu,Mn,Zn,IN:Isonicotinic acid,abbreviated to M-Ni-IN] tetracyanonickelate and some metal halide complexes with the following stoichiometries:Cu(IN)X_2(X:Br,I),Cd(IN)_2X_2,(X:Cl,Br),and Zn(IN)_4X_2(X:Br,I)were synthesized for the first time.Their FT-IR spectra were reported in the 4000-400 cm~(-1)region.Vibrational assignments were given for all the observed bands.The analysis of the vibrational spectra indicates that there are some structure-spectrum correlations.For a given series of isomorphous complexes,the sum of the difference between the values of the vibrational modes of uncoordinated isonicotinic acid that were coordinated to the metal ion isonicotinic acid was investigated and found to depend on the halogen for a given metal.The proposed structure of tetracyanonickelate complexes consists of polymeric layers of |M-Ni(CN)_4|infinity with the isonicotinic acid molecules bound directly to the metal(M)atoms.Certain chemical formulae were determined using the elemental analysis results.
机译:M(IN)_2Ni(CN)_4 [其中M:Cu,Mn,Zn,IN:异烟酸,缩写为M-Ni-IN]四氰基甲酸酯和一些金属卤化物的化学计量比如下:首次合成了X:Br,I),Cd(IN)_2X_2,(X:Cl,Br)和Zn(IN)_4X_2(X:Br,I)。 4000-400 cm〜(-1)区域。对所有观察到的波段都进行了振动分配。对振动光谱的分析表明存在某些结构-光谱相关性。对于给定的一系列同构配合物,其差之和研究了与金属离子异烟酸配位的非配位异烟酸的振动模态值之间的关系,发现该给定金属依赖于卤素。四氰基酮酸酯络合物的拟议结构由| M-Ni( CN)_4 |与异烟酸分子直接键合到金属(M)原子上的无穷大。元素分析结果。



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