首页> 外文期刊>Turkish Journal of Agriculture & Forestry >Xanthium strumarium L. impact on corn yield and yield components

Xanthium strumarium L. impact on corn yield and yield components

机译:Xanthium strumarium L.对玉米产量和产量构成的影响

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Xanthium strumarium L. is a major weed affecting flour corn in Khyber Paklitunkhira Province uf Pakistan. Studies conducted in 2006 and 2007 evaluated corn yield and yield component responses to competition from X strumarium over a range of corn populations (5, 7.5,10, and 12.5 plants m~2) and X strumarium densities (0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 plants in~(-2)). Flour corn yield and yield components (grains ear~(-1),1000-grain weight, harvest index, and days to silking) were significantly correlated with and affected by corn population, weed density, and the interaction between them. The percent reduction in grain yield was 5%-40% and fit a quadratic relationship. The number of grains ear~(-1) declined in a linear fashion with increasing X. strumariumdensity, except at the highest corn density, with an average decrease of 5%-6% in grains ear~(-1) for every X. strumarium plant m~(-2) As theX strumarium density increased, 1000-grain weight and harvest index declined, while the number of days to silking increased slightly. Increasing densities of either crop or weed generally delayed silking and decreased yield and yield components due to inter- and mtrasperific competition, suggesting that increasing crop density will likely not be effective in suppressing X strumarium and making up for possible yield loss in corn.
机译:Xanthium strumarium L.是影响巴基斯坦开伯尔-帕克利通希拉省的面粉玉米的主要杂草。 2006年和2007年进行的研究评估了玉米产量和产量构成要素对X基质在一系列玉米种群(5、7.5、10和12.5株m〜2植株)和X基质密度(0、2、4、6)下竞争的响应。 -(-2)中的8、10和12种植物)。玉米粉的产量和产量构成(籽粒穗数(-1),1000粒重,收获指数和出丝天数)与玉米种群,杂草密度以及它们之间的相互作用密切相关,并受其影响。谷物产量降低的百分比为5%-40%,并且符合二次关系。除玉米最高密度外,籽粒穗数(-1)随X.茎秆密度的增加呈线性下降,每X粒穗粒数(-1)平均减少5%-6%。茎秆植物m〜(-2)随着X茎秆密度的增加,千粒重和收获指数下降,而出丝天数则略有增加。作物或杂草密度的增加通常会导致蚕丝期延长,并且由于种间和超种竞争而导致产量和产量成分下降,这表明增加作物密度可能无法有效地抑制X层和弥补玉米的可能产量损失。



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