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Sailing Route to Safe Harbour


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The Society is in a stable financial situation. The balance sheet is positive and we have reached our goal of having one year's budget in reserve. The ISHS is sponsoring a record number of symposia per year and the number of pages and articles published in Acta Horticulturae continues to increase. The last International Horticultural Congress in Lisbon was a success with a high attendance of participants from all over the world. Some would say it is time to relax, to enjoy the benefits of the comfortable financial situation and to continue sailing at cruise speed pushed by the favourable winds of success.Such a lazy attitude will ruin the Society in a very short time. The scientific world is changing dramatically with new publications popping-up every day, and better means of communication and/diversified options in the organisation of scientific meetings constantly evolving. It is not only a time to shield the Society from external threats but also to seize opportunities offered by new technologies and methods for scientific communication.
机译:该协会财务状况稳定。资产负债表是积极的,我们已经实现了将一年的预算作为储备金的目标。 ISHS每年赞助的座谈会数量达到创纪录的水平,《园艺学报》上发表的页面和文章的数量继续增加。上届里斯本国际园艺大会取得了圆满成功,来自世界各地的与会者都参加了会议。有人会说是时候放松一下,享受舒适的财务状况带来的好处,并继续在成功的顺风推动下继续以巡航速度航行。这种懒惰的态度将在很短的时间内毁坏学会。科学世界正在发生巨大变化,每天都有新出版物出现,并且科学会议组织中不断发展的更好的交流方式和/多种选择。现在不仅是使学会免受外部威胁的时机,而且是抓住新技术和方法进行科学交流的机会。



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