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Integrating Mindfulness With Parent Training: Effects of the Mindfulness-Enhanced Strengthening Families Program


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There is growing support for the efficacy of mindfulness training with parents as an intervention technique to improve parenting skills and reduce risk for youth problem behaviors. The evidence, however, has been limited to small scale studies, many with methodological shortcomings. This study sought to integrate mindfulness training with parents into the Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14 (SFP 10-14), an empirically-validated family-based preventive intervention. It used a randomized-controlled comparative effectiveness study design (N = 432 families, 31% racial/ethnic minority) to test the efficacy of the Mindfulness-Enhanced Strengthening Families Program (MSFP), compared to standard SFP 10-14 and a minimal-treatment home study control condition. Results indicated that, in general, MSFP was as effective as SFP 10-14 in improving multiple dimensions of parenting, including interpersonal mindfulness in parenting, parent-youth relationship quality, youth behavior management, and parent well-being, according to both parent and youth reports at both postintervention and 1-year follow-up. This study also found that in some areas MSFP boosted and better sustained the effects of SFP 10-14, especially for fathers. Although the pattern of effects was not as uniform as hypothesized, this study provides intriguing evidence for the unique contribution of mindfulness activities to standard parent training.
机译:越来越多地支持与父母一起进行正念训练作为一种干预技术,以提高育儿技能并减少发生青少年问题行为的风险,因此越来越受到人们的支持。但是,证据仅限于小规模的研究,许多研究都存在方法学上的缺陷。本研究试图将与父母的正念训练整合到“强化家庭计划:针对父母和青少年10-14(SFP 10-14)”中,这是一项经过实证验证的基于家庭的预防干预措施。与标准SFP 10-14和最低标准的SFP-10-14相比,该研究使用了一项随机对照的比较有效性研究设计(N = 432个家庭,31%的种族/族裔少数族裔)来测试正念增强强化家庭计划(MSFP)的有效性。治疗家庭学习的控制条件。结果表明,总体而言,MSFP与SFP 10-14在改善父母养育的多个方面一样有效,包括父母之间的人际关系正念,父母与青少年的关系质量,青年行为管理和父母幸福感。青年在干预后和1年随访中均报告。这项研究还发现,在某些地区,MSFP增强了SFP 10-14的效果,并更好地保持了这种效果,特别是对于父亲而言。尽管效果的模式不像假设的那样统一,但本研究为正念活动对标准父母培训的独特贡献提供了有趣的证据。



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