首页> 外文期刊>Developmental psychology >A genetically informed study of associations between family functioning and child psychosocial adjustment

A genetically informed study of associations between family functioning and child psychosocial adjustment


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Research has documented associations between family functioning and offspring psychosocial adjustment, but questions remain regarding whether these associations are partly due to confounding genetic factors and other environmental factors. The current study used a genetically informed approach, the Children of Twins design, to explore the associations between family functioning (family conflict, marital quality, and agreement about parenting) and offspring psychopathology. Participants were 867 twin pairs (388 monozygotic; 479 dizygotic) from the Twin and Offspring Study in Sweden, their spouses, and children (51.7% female; M = 15.75 years). The results suggested associations between exposure to family conflict (assessed by the mother, father, and child) and child adjustment were independent of genetic factors and other environmental factors. However, when family conflict was assessed using only children's reports, the results indicated that genetic factors also influenced these associations. In addition, the analyses indicated that exposure to low marital quality and agreement about parenting was associated with children's internalizing and externalizing problems and that genetic factors also contributed to the associations of marital quality and agreement about parenting with offspring externalizing problems.
机译:研究已经记录了家庭功能与后代心理社会适应之间的联系,但是关于这些联系是否部分是由于混杂的遗传因素和其他环境因素引起的,仍然存在疑问。当前的研究使用了一种遗传学上的方法,即“双胞胎的孩子”设计,来探索家庭功能(家庭冲突,婚姻质量和育儿问题的共识)与后代心理病理之间的联系。参与研究的有867对双胞胎(388对纯合子; 479对纯合子),来自瑞典的Twin and Offspring Study,他们的配偶和子女(女性为51.7%; M = 15.75岁)。结果表明,家庭冲突暴露(由母亲,父亲和孩子评估)与儿童适应之间的关联与遗传因素和其他环境因素无关。但是,仅通过儿童报告评估家庭冲突时,结果表明遗传因素也影响了这些关联。此外,分析表明,婚姻质量低下和父母育儿的共识与孩子的内在化和外在化问题有关,遗传因素也导致婚姻质量和父母育儿的共识与后代外在化问题的联系。



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