
Fire & nice.


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Coat a grill rack from an outdoor gas grill with cooking spray and set it 6 inches from the heat source. Preheat the grill to medium high. If you think your shrimp will fall through the grilling rack, prepare a fish basket to grill the shrimp. Coat the inside of the basket with cooking spray. Drizzle the shrimp with the olive oil. Combine the cumin, chili powder, coriander, salt, and black pepper and rub onto the shrimp. Add the shrimp directly to the grill rack or place in a single layer in the fish basket. Grill the shrimp for about 2 to 3 minutes per side or until cooked through. Meanwhile, add the lemon halves, cut side down, to the grill, and grill for 3 to 4 minutes, just until the lemon is slightly charred. Add the grilled shrimp to a platter. Garnish with the grilled lemon halves and minced parsley. 1. Coat a grill rack from an outdoor gas grill with cooking spray and set it 6 inches from the heat source. Preheat the grill to medium. 2. Slice the mango from the pit into 2 pieces (slice the larger rounded parts of the mango on both sides of the pit). Lay the 2 pieces cut side down on a cutting board, and cut into 1/2-inch-thick slices. 3. Add the mango slices to a shallow baking dish. Drizzle with olive oil to coat. Sprinkle with cayenne pepper, salt, and black pepper. 4. Grill the mango slices for about 2 minutes per side. 5. Transfer to a serving platter and squeeze lime juice over the slices.
机译:从户外燃气烧烤炉的烤架上涂上烹饪喷雾,并将其设置在距热源6英寸的位置。将烤架预热至中等高度。如果您认为虾会从烧烤架上掉下来,请准备一个鱼篮来烧烤虾。用烹饪喷雾剂在篮子的内部涂上一层涂料。用橄榄油淋虾。将小茴香,辣椒粉,香菜,盐和黑胡椒混合在一起,然后涂在虾上。将虾直接添加到烤架上,或放在鱼篮的单层中。每边烤虾约2至3分钟,或直到煮熟为止。同时,将柠檬切成两半,切成薄片的一面朝下放在烤架上,烤3到4分钟,直到柠檬微焦。将烤虾放入盘中。用烤柠檬两半和欧芹末装饰。 1.在室外燃气烧烤架的烤架上涂上烹饪喷雾,并将其设置在距热源6英寸的位置。将烤架预热至中度。 2.将芒果从窖中切成两段(将芒果较大的圆形部分切成两边)。将切成两半的一面朝下放在切菜板上,切成1/2英寸厚的薄片。 3.将芒果片放入浅盘中。用橄榄油淋上毛毛雨。撒上辣椒,盐和黑胡椒。 4.每边烤芒果片约2分钟。 5.转移到盛盘中,然后将酸橙汁挤到切片上。



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