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Aquaponic Systems: Nutrient recycling from fish wastewater by vegetable production

机译:Aquaponic Systems:通过蔬菜生产从鱼类废水中回收营养

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This chapter describes the possibility to combine wastewater treatment in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) with the production of crop plants biomass. In an aquaponic RAS established in Waedenswil, Zurich, the potential of three crop plants was assessed to recycle nutrients from fish wastewater. A special design of trickling filters was used to provide nitrification offish wastewater: Light-expanded clay aggregate (LECA) was filled in a layer of 30 cm in vegetable boxes, providing both surface for biofilm growth and cultivation area for crop plants. Aubergine, tomato and cucumber cultures were established in the LECA filter and nutrient removal rates calculated during 42-105 days. The highest nutrient removal rates by fruit harvest were achieved during tomato culture: over a period of >3 months, fruit production removed 0.52, 0.11 and 0.8 gm~(-2)d~(-1) for N, P and K in hydroponic and 0.43,0.07 and 0.4 g m~(-2) d~(-1) for N, P and K in aquaponic. In aquaponic, 69% of nitrogen removal by the overall system could thus be converted into edible fruits. Plant yield in aquaponic was similar to conventional hydroponic production systems. The experiments showed that nutrient recycling is not a luxury reserved for rural areas with litlle space limitation;instead, the additionally occupied surface generates income by producing marketable goods. By converting nutrients into biomass, treating wastewater could become a profitable business.
机译:本章介绍了将循环水产养殖系统(RAS)中的废水处理与农作物生物量生产相结合的可能性。在苏黎世Waedenswil建立的水生RAS中,评估了三种农作物从鱼类废水中回收养分的潜力。滴滤池的特殊设计用于提供鱼废水的硝化作用:将轻膨胀粘土骨料(LECA)填充在蔬菜箱中的30厘米层中,既提供了生物膜生长的表面,又提供了农作物的种植面积。在LECA过滤器中建立了茄子,番茄和黄瓜的培养物,并在42-105天内计算了营养去除率。在番茄栽培过程中,通过水果收获获得了最高的营养去除率:在> 3个月的时间内,水培中的水果产量去除了0.52、0.11和0.8 gm〜(-2)d〜(-1)的N,P和K水培中氮,磷和钾的含量分别为0.43,0.07和0.4 gm〜(-2)d〜(-1)。在水培中,整个系统去除的氮的69%因此可以转化为可食用的水果。水培植物产量与常规水培生产系统相似。实验表明,养分循环利用并不是有限空间的农村地区的奢侈享受;相反,额外占用的地表通过生产可销售的商品来创收。通过将养分转化为生物质,处理废水将成为一项有利可图的业务。



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