首页> 外文期刊>Hormone and Metabolic Research >Presymptomatic genetic testing in minors at risk of paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma: Our experience of oncogenetic multidisciplinary consultation

Presymptomatic genetic testing in minors at risk of paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma: Our experience of oncogenetic multidisciplinary consultation


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The aim of the work was to define quality criteria for presymptomatic genetic testing in minors at risk of paraganglioma/pheochromocytoma. A 3-step multidisciplinary procedure was developed: 1) preparatory consultations for parents, providing decision support and advice concerning the way of informing the children; 2) consultation with the minor and blood sampling; and 3) announcement of the result of the genetic test to the minor and his/her parents. Twenty-three minors (mean age=9.22) were tested. The result was positive in 16 cases (presence of the familial mutation) and negative in 7. The 23 procedures were classified according to emotional reactions at the announcement of the result: calm (18/23) or tense (5/23). In parallel, 4 criteria for a good testing procedure was defined: 1) both parents agreeing to have their child tested when they felt ready; 2) parents being given advice concerning the way to inform their child; 3) the most appropriate time for testing being discussed for each child; and 4) avoidance of testing during medical examination periods for the carrier parent. The frequencies of the above criteria were as follows: 1 (17/23); 2 (19/23); 3 (17/23); and 4 (17/23). The overall quality of the testing procedure, calculated as the sum of the four criteria, differed significantly between calm and tense announcements (p<0.01). This study highlights the important role of careful preparation with the parents in emotional acceptance of the result of testing. The 4 criteria identified should be evaluated in further prospective studies.
机译:这项工作的目的是为有副神经节瘤/嗜铬细胞瘤风险的未成年人定义症状前基因检测的质量标准。制定了一个三步骤的多学科程序:1)为父母做准备性咨询,为有关告知孩子的方式提供决策支持和建议; 2)咨询未成年人和血液样本; 3)向未成年人及其父母宣告基因检查的结果。测试了23名未成年人(平均年龄= 9.22)。结果阳性的有16例(存在家族性突变),阴性的有7例。根据结果宣布时的情绪反应,将23种手术分为平静(18/23)或紧张(5/23)。同时,定义了一个良好测试程序的4条标准:1)父母双方同意在准备就绪时对孩子进行测试; 2)向父母提供有关通知子女的建议; 3)正在为每个孩子讨论最合适的测试时间; (4)避免在承运人父母的体格检查期间进行测试。上述标准的频率如下:1(17/23); 2(19/23); 3(17/23);和4(17/23)。由四个标准的总和计算得出的测试程序的总体质量在平静和紧张的公告之间存在显着差异(p <0.01)。这项研究强调了与父母精心准备在情感上接受测试结果的重要作用。所确定的4条标准应在进一步的前瞻性研究中进行评估。



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