首页> 外文期刊>Der Zoologische Garten >Daten zur fortpflanzung and jungtierentwicklung der Beira-antilope (Dorcatragus megalotis)Data on breeding and juvenile development of the Beira antelope (Dorcatragus megalotis)

Daten zur fortpflanzung and jungtierentwicklung der Beira-antilope (Dorcatragus megalotis)Data on breeding and juvenile development of the Beira antelope (Dorcatragus megalotis)

机译:贝拉羚羊(Dorcatragus megalotis)的繁殖和幼体发育数据

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Al Wabra Wildlife Preservation (AWWP), a breeding centre for endangered wild animal species in Qatar, owned by SHEIKH SAOUD BIN MOHD. BIN ALI AL THANI, is the only facility that keeps and breeds the endangered Beira antelope (Dorcatragus megalotis). Within four years, AWWP has increased its number of Beiras from 8 to 38 individuals. They are successfully bred already in the second generation. There was not much known about the biology of this distinctive species that originally occurs at the "Horn of Africa". AWWP is now in the position to publish data about mating, gestation period and birth as well as neonate developments. Female Beira's reach their maturity at an age of 18 month. In intervals of 7-12 month and after a gestation period of about 6.5 month they give birth to a single fawn. Its birth weight is on the average about 1500 g. Details about behavioural observations and routine medical treatments are presented.
机译:Al Wabra野生动物保护区(AWWP)是卡塔尔濒危野生动物物种的繁殖中心,由SHEIKH SAOUD BIN MOHD拥有。 BIN ALI AL THANI是唯一一家饲养和繁殖濒危贝拉羚羊(Dorcatragus megalotis)的设施。在四年内,AWWP将Beiras的数量从8个人增加到38个人。它们已经在第二代中成功繁殖。最初在“非洲之角”出现的这种独特物种的生物学知之甚少。 AWWP现在可以发布有关交配,妊娠期,出生以及新生儿发育的数据。女性贝拉(Beira)的成熟期为18个月。在7-12个月的间隔中,以及大约6.5个月的妊娠期后,它们会生出一只小鹿。它的出生体重平均约为1500克。提供有关行为观察和常规治疗的详细信息。



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