首页> 外文期刊>China Economic Review >Role of human capital on regional distribution of FDI in China: New evidences

Role of human capital on regional distribution of FDI in China: New evidences


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This paper investigates the regional distribution of FDI in China with a focus on human capital from completely different and unique measurement. The novelty is the use of a set of six human capital indices: endowment, utilization, demography, productivity, support and health. It uses panel data estimation for 31 regions of China for 2002-2013 with the consideration of usual determinant variables in FDI study. The results suggest that foreign investors value the availability of human resources, both in terms of present (endowment) and future (demography) supply, as the most important factor in making their investment decisions. Health of labor force and quality of people working in scientific and technical fields were also found to be significant. Furthermore, local market size, infrastructure and location (being in coastal region) are significant determinants with western region, compared to central and northeastern regions, losing out the most to eastern region. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:本文从完全不同和独特的角度研究了中国的外国直接投资区域分布,重点是人力资本。新颖之处在于使用了六个人力资本指标:set赋,利用,人口统计,生产力,支持和健康。它使用2002-2013年中国31个地区的面板数据估计,并考虑了外国直接投资研究中的常规决定因素。结果表明,外国投资者对人力资源的可用性(无论是目前(捐赠)还是未来(人口统计)的供应)都视作做出投资决定的最重要因素。还发现劳动力的健康和科学技术领域工作人员的素质很重要。此外,与中部和东北部地区相比,本地市场规模,基础设施和位置(位于沿海地区)是西部地区的重要决定因素,输给东部地区的损失最大。 (C)2015 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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