首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz >Phenolic acids in wheat cultivars in relation to plant suitability for and response to cereal aphids

Phenolic acids in wheat cultivars in relation to plant suitability for and response to cereal aphids


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Contents of phenolic acids (PhAs) and activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) were examined in uninfested and infested plants of two winter wheat cultivars differing in resistance to cereal aphids The following PhAs were determined in their freeforms in uninfested leaves of the partly resistant cv, 'Regina' and the susceptible cv, 'Zdar': p-hydroxybenzoic, vanillic, p-coumaric and ferulic acids. The level of total PhAs was higher in 'Regina' and the content of p-coumaric acid, the dominant acid in extracts, was nearly three times higher in this cultivar than in 'Zdar'. The same spectrum of PhAs was found in ears of both cultivars, and in addition, sinapic acid was detected in ears of 'Regina'. Infestation by Metopolophium dnbodum, Rhopalonphum padi and Sitobion avenae induced in leaves and ears of both cultivars an increase of PAL activity and changes in the contents of PhAs. In spite of the induction of PAL activity, the level of PhAs in the infested leaves decreased, mainly due to a decline of p-coumaric acid content. Three unidentified substances of phenolic character were found at relatively high levels in infested leaves. The level of p-coumaric acid approximately doubled in infested ears of both cultivars, but the levels of the otherPhAs were higher in 'Regina'. These results are discussed in relation to crop resistance against aphids.
机译:在两个抗谷物蚜虫的冬小麦的未侵染和侵染植物中检测了酚酸(PhAs)含量和苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性在部分抗性未侵染的叶片中,以其游离形式测定了以下PhA含量cv,“ Regina”和易感的cv,“ Zdar”:对羟基苯甲酸,香草酸,对香豆酸和阿魏酸。 “里贾纳”(Regina)中的总PhAs含量较高,提取物中占主导地位的对香豆酸的含量比“扎达尔”(Zdar)品种高近三倍。在两个品种的耳朵中发现了相同的PhAs光谱,此外,在“里贾纳”的耳朵中检测到了芥子酸。在两个品种的叶片和耳朵中,dnbodum,Rhodopalonphum padi和Sitobion avenae引起的侵染增加了PAL活性并改变了PhAs含量。尽管诱导了PAL活性,但受侵染的叶片中PhAs的水平下降了,这主要是由于对香豆酸含量的下降所致。在受侵染的叶片中发现了三种较高含量的未鉴定的酚类物质。在两个品种的受侵害的耳朵中,对香豆酸的水平大约增加了一倍,但是在“里贾纳”中,其他PhA的水平较高。讨论了这些结果与农作物对蚜虫的抗性有关。



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