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Domination and Disappearance of the Black Sponge: A Quarter Century after the Initial Terpios Outbreak in Southern Japan


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The encrusting cyanobacteriosponge Terpios hoshinota, reported from western-Pacific coral reefs, competes for space by encrusting reef substrata including live corals, and has been expanding its range in the northwestern Pacific Ocean (Liao et al. 2007). This species occasionally undergoes massive outbreaks which can cause considerable damage to reefs (Bryan 1973, Rützler and Muzik 1993). In Japan, the 1st outbreak was reported in 1986 at Yonama, Tokunoshima I. (Fig. 1), with up to 87.9% cover, killing most corals in the area (Marine Park Center Foundation 1986). Since then; however, very little research has been conducted on T. hoshinota, and the nature and causes of the outbreaks remain unknown.
机译:西太平洋珊瑚礁报道的令人着迷的蓝藻海绵体Terpios hoshinota,通过包裹包括活珊瑚在内的珊瑚礁基质争夺太空,并一直在西北太平洋扩展其范围(Liao et al。2007)。该物种偶尔会大规模爆发,可能对珊瑚礁造成相当大的破坏(Bryan 1973,Rützler和Muzik 1993)。在日本,于1986年在德岛I岛的Yonama报道了第一次暴发(图1),覆盖率高达87.9%,杀死了该地区的大多数珊瑚(海洋公园中心基金会,1986年)。自那时候起;但是,关于细穗形棘球ota的研究很少,而且其暴发的性质和原因尚不清楚。



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