首页> 外文期刊>Zoomorphology >Siphons and siphonal grooves in the digestive systems of the Echinoidea (Echinodermata)

Siphons and siphonal grooves in the digestive systems of the Echinoidea (Echinodermata)


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Here we use histological sections and, to a limited extent, scanning electron microscopy to ascertain whether siphons or siphonal grooves parallel the stomach of five sea urchin species representing five higher taxa in the Echinoidea. We find a siphonal groove in Centrostephanus coronatus of the Diadematidae and in Caenopedina diomedeae of the Pedinidae; we find a siphon in Tromikosoma panamense of the Echinothurioida and in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus of the Camarodonta; and we find a hemisiphon in Aspidodiadema hawaiiense of the Aspidodiadematidae (it is currently unsettled whether this last group belongs in the Pedinoida or the Diadematoida). Several recent accounts of echinoid gut anatomy have claimed that species in the Echinothurioida have a siphonal groove instead of a siphon and that species in the Diadematidae and Pedinidae have siphons instead of siphonal grooves. The present work shows that these claims are mistakes and confirms that Holland and Ghiselin (1970) correctly described the distribution of siphons and siphonal grooves in the Echinoidea.
机译:在这里,我们使用组织学切片,并在一定程度上使用扫描电子显微镜确定虹吸管或虹吸管沟是否平行于代表海胆类中五个较高类群的五种海胆物种的胃。我们在Diadematidae的Centrostephanus coronatus和Pedinidae的Caenopedina diomedeae中发现了虹吸沟。我们在Echinothurioida的Tromikosoma panamense和Camarodonta的Strongylocentrotus purpuratusus中发现了虹吸管。并且我们在天蛾科的天蛾中发现了半虹吸虫(目前尚不确定这最后一个群体是在pedinoida还是Diadematoida中)。关于棘皮动物肠解剖学的一些最新报道声称,棘皮动物体内的物种具有虹吸沟而不是虹吸管,而蛇足科和Pe科中的物种具有虹吸而不是虹吸沟。目前的工作表明这些说法是错误的,并证实了Holland和Ghiselin(1970)正确地描述了棘突科中虹吸管和虹吸沟的分布。



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