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Platinum-group element distribution in the main zone and upper zone of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa


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The platinum-group element (PGE) contents of the upper portions of the Bushveld Complex were investigated with three questions in mind: (a) In natural systems does magnetite concentrate Os, Ir, Ru and Rh (IPGE), as has been observed in experimental systems? (b) Is there a Au-Pd-enriched layer present such as observed in the upper parts of the Skaergaard intrusion? (c) Can changes in metal ratios be used for prospecting for PGE deposits?In the sulfide-poor Main Magnetite Layer of the eastern Bushveld, Ir and Rh are enriched relative to Pt, Pd and Au and this could be because magnetite preferentially concentrated Ir and Rh over Pt, Pd and Au. However, ir. most other magnetite layers no enrichment was observed. This could be because most magnetite layers contain approximately 1% sulfides and the PGE budget is dominated by the sulfides. These sulfides obscured the effects of magnetite collecting IPGE, because sulfides collect all the PGE and the partition coefficients for the PGE into a sulfide liquid are much greater than the partition coefficient for IPGE into magnetite.The weighted average of the platinum-group elements (PGE) and Au over the 2000 m of sampled stratigraphy is Au 2.1 ppb, Pd 1.7 ppb, Pt 1.7 ppb, Rh 0.18 ppb, Ru<0.5, Ir 0.16 ppb, Os<0.5 ppb. Compared to the marginal rocks (presumed initial liquids) of the Bushveld Complex the PGE and Au are severely depleted. Only one sample (a leuccnorite in the first cyclic unit) contained Pt and Pd at economic grade (Pt 2 ppm, Pd 2 ppm). The overall depletion of the PGE in the Upper Zone (despite the presence of 1% to 3% sulfides) could be the result of the PGE having been stripped from the magma by early sulfide liquid which had already settled out of the magma to form the world famous platinum reefs lower in the magma chamber. In addition to the overall depletion of PGE, PGE/S ratios decrease up section indicating that the sulfide fraction is poorer in PGE up section. This is interpreted to be the result of continued depletion of the silicate liquid as sulfides constantly settle out of the silicate liquid. There appears to be little prospect of a Pd-reef type deposit in the Upper Zone.Comparison of the composition of the marginal rocks of the Bushveld with a weighted average for the complete 6 km of the Bushveld cumulates shows that the cumulate pile is much richer in compatible elements (Ir, Rh, Cr) and poorer in incompatible elements (Sm and Hf) than the marginal rocks. Two possible solutions to this are: (a) The magma emplaced into the chamber was a crystal mush and thus more mafic than marginal rocks to the intrusion or (b) fractionated magma has been removed from the cumulate sequence and either irrupted or intruded the country rocks as granites and granophyres. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:布什维尔德配合物上部的铂族元素(PGE)含量的研究考虑了三个问题:(a)在自然系统中,磁铁矿中的Os,Ir,Ru和Rh(IPGE)富集,实验系统? (b)是否存在如在Skaergaard侵入岩上部观察到的富Au-Pd层? (c)可以使用金属比的变化来勘探PGE矿床吗?在布什维尔德东部贫硫化矿的主磁铁矿层中,Ir和Rh相对于Pt,Pd和Au富集,这可能是因为磁铁矿优先集中于Ir Rh超过Pt,Pd和Au。但是,ir。大多数其他磁铁矿层均未观察到富集。这可能是因为大多数磁铁矿层包含大约1%的硫化物,而PGE预算主要由硫化物控制。这些硫化物掩盖了磁铁矿收集IPGE的效果,因为硫化物收集了所有PGE,并且PGE在硫化物液体中的分配系数远大于IPGE在磁铁矿中的分配系数。铂族元素(PGE)的加权平均值),在2000 m的采样地层中,Au为2.1 ppb,钯1.7 ppb,铂1.7 ppb,铑0.18 ppb,Ru <0.5,Ir 0.16 ppb,Os <0.5 ppb。与Bushveld配合物的边缘岩石(假定的初始液体)相比,PGE和Au严重耗竭。仅一个样品(第一个循环单元中的白云母)含有经济等级(Pt 2 ppm,Pd 2 ppm)的Pt和Pd。上部区域中PGE的整体耗竭(尽管存在1%至3%的硫化物)可能是由于PGE已被早已从岩浆中沉降出来并形成岩浆的早期硫化物液体从岩浆中剥离出来的结果。世界著名的铂金礁位于岩浆室内。除了PGE的整体消耗外,PGE / S比在上部增大,这表明硫化物部分在PGE上部较差。可以认为这是由于硫化物不断从硅酸盐液体中沉降出来而导致硅酸盐液体持续消耗的结果。上部地区的Pd礁型矿床似乎前景不大.Bushveld边缘岩的成分与6 km完整的Bushveld堆积物的加权平均值的比较表明,堆积物堆积更为丰富相容元素(Ir,Rh,Cr)中的元素含量比边缘岩石差,而不相容元素(Sm和Hf)中的元素含量更低。对此有两种可能的解决方案:(a)进入密室的岩浆是水晶糊状物,因此侵入岩浆比边缘岩的镁铁质含量更高。岩石为花岗岩和花岗岩。 (C)2004 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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