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Recent ecological trends in lower trophic levels of the international section of the St. Lawrence River: a comparison of the 1970s to the 2000s


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Changes from the 1970s to 2000s in phosphorus and chlorophyll levels, water transparency, zooplankton, and benthic communities in the upper, International Section of the St. Lawrence River were evaluated using trend data from limnological surveys. The influence of Lake Ontario as a source for riverine production was evident in the upper river. Total phosphorus levels from 1976 to 1978 (average similar to 20 mu g/l) sampled during a period of nutrient pollution declined (to 6-7 mu g/l) following abatement. As expected, water transparency indicated by summer Secchi depths showed an opposite response increasing from similar to 3.5 m in the 1970s to > 10 m by 2003 but declined to 6-7 m in more recent years. Zooplankton communities have experienced declines in overall densities, and the community has changed but its primary components, Bosmina and Diacyclops remain. Ceriodaphnia lacustris abundance declined substantially from the 1970s to the recent time period while Chydorus sphaericus increased and Eurytemora affinis and Cercopagis pengoi had first appearances. In contrast, benthic invertebrate biomass increased substantially between time periods. Increases in families and occurrence of gastropods were observed, but the primary components-chironomids, amphipods, and oligochaetes-were consistent between the periods with the exception of dreissenid mussels. Dreissena was dominated by D. bugensis, and both D. bugensis and D. polymorpha show evidence of recent declines. Conversely, high abundance of round goby (Apollonia melanostomus) has promoted new trophic pathways. Downstream attenuation in nutrients and chlorophyll, and increased transparency suggest continued strong effects of Lake Ontario on the downstream river environment, but increased energy in the benthos has likely promoted greater in situ production.
机译:使用来自湖泊学调查的趋势数据,对1970年代至2000年代圣劳伦斯河国际段上部的磷和叶绿素水平,水透明度,浮游动物和底栖群落的变化进行了评估。安大略河作为河流生产源的影响在上游河流中很明显。 1976年至1978年期间,在养分污染期间,采样后的总磷水平(平均约为20微克/升)在减少后下降了(降至6-7微克/升)。不出所料,夏季Secchi深度所指示的水透明度显示出相反的响应,从1970年代的3.5 m增加到2003年的> 10 m,但在最近几年下降到6-7 m。浮游动物群落的总体密度下降,该群落发生了变化,但其主要组成部分(波斯尼亚和双环蝇)仍然存在。从1970年代到最近的这段时期,湖纹氧化铈的丰度显着下降,而球形藻则增加,而Eurytemora affinis和Cercopagis pengoi则首次出现。相反,底栖无脊椎动物生物量在时间间隔之间显着增加。观察到家庭的增加和腹足纲动物的出现,但是除了杜鹃花贻贝以外,其他时期的主要成分,如拟蜥脚类,两栖纲和寡足类是一致的。 Dreissena以D. bugensis为主,D。bugensis和D. polymorpha均显示近期下降的迹象。相反,高丰度的虾虎鱼(Apollonia melanostomus)促进了新的营养途径。下游营养物质和叶绿素的衰减以及透明度的提高表明安大略湖对下游河流环境的持续强烈影响,但是底栖动物能量的增加很可能促进了原位生产的增加。



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