首页> 外文期刊>Hydrobiologia >Sex and social status affect territorial defence in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish, Neolamprologus savoryi

Sex and social status affect territorial defence in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish, Neolamprologus savoryi

机译:性别和社会地位影响合作养殖的丽鱼科鱼类Neolamprologus savoryi的领土防御

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Members of social groupsmust defend their shared territory against both predators and competitors. However, individuals differ widely in their contributions to territorial defence. Assessing the variation in response to territorial intrusions provides insight into both the benefits and costs of group living for different group members. In this study, we assessed the response of wild Neolamprologus savoryi to experimentally staged territorial intrusions. Neolamprologus savoryi is an understudied cooperatively breeding cichlid fish endemic to Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. We found that dominant male and dominant female N. savoryi were both highly aggressive towards heterospecific predators and towards same-sex conspecific rivals. Both dominant males and females were less aggressive towards opposite-sex conspecific opponents, with the relative reduction in aggression being most pronounced in males. Subordinates provided low levels of defence against all intruder types, which suggests that subordinate N. savoryi rely on larger group members for protection. Collectively, our results provide insight into the structure and function of N. savoryi social groups, and highlights key costs and benefits of cooperation for individual social group members.
机译:社会团体的成员必须捍卫自己的共同领土免受掠食者和竞争者的侵害。但是,个人对领土防卫的贡献差别很大。评估因领土入侵而引起的变化,可以洞悉不同群体成员的群体生活收益和成本。在这项研究中,我们评估了野生香菇对实验性入侵区域的响应。 Neolamprologus savoryi是东非坦Tang尼喀湖特有的合作养殖的丽鱼科鱼类,尚未被研究。我们发现,优势雄性和优势雌性N. savoryi都对异种捕食者和同性同种竞争对手极具攻击性。优势男性和女性对异性同种对手的攻击都较弱,男性的攻击性相对降低最为明显。下属对所有类型的入侵者提供的防御水平较低,这表明下属N. savoryi依靠较大的团体成员进行保护。总体而言,我们的结果提供了对N. savoryi社交团体的结构和功能的见解,并突出了单个社交团体成员合作的主要成本和收益。



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