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To migrate, or not to migrate: partial diel horizontal migration of fish in a temperate freshwater reservoir


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The diel horizontal migration (DHM) of fish between the inshore and offshore zones of the A similar to imov Reservoir (Czech Republic, deep, stratified, meso-eutrophic) was investigated by a combination of horizontal and vertical hydroacoustic surveys at 3-h intervals over 48 h and dayight purse seining in August 2007. An overwhelming majority of fish were aggregated within the epilimnetic layer. Considering only the horizontal surveys, cyclic diel fish movements between inshore and offshore habitats were apparent, while the total fish biomass remained constant between day and night. A higher fish biomass was detected in the offshore zone during daytime by both hydroacoustics and purse seining. In contrast, a higher fish biomass was recorded at night in the inshore zone. Bream Abramis brama, roach Rutilus rutilus, and perch Perca fluviatilis dominated the daytime offshore fish assemblage whereas bleak Alburnus alburnus prevailed at night. Bream and roach decreased in abundance at night while perch completely disappeared from the offshore habitat. The diel differences in size distributions and direct catches suggested the population-wide horizontal offshore migration of bleak and inshore migration of all perch during dusk. On the other hand, partial inshore migration of bream and roach adults was observed during dusk (52 and 80%, respectively). The different proportions of offshore residents among species and size classes suggested that differences in size, and, therefore, predation vulnerability, contributed to the observed migration patterns.
机译:通过在3小时的间隔内进行水平和垂直水声调查相结合的方法,对A的近海和近海区域之间的鱼的diel水平迁移(DHM)进行了研究,类似于imov水库(捷克共和国,深层,分层,中营养)在2007年8月围捕了48小时和昼/夜钱包。绝大多数鱼聚集在表皮层。仅考虑水平调查,近岸和近海生境之间的周期性diel鱼移动是明显的,而白天和晚上的总鱼生物量保持恒定。白天,通过水声和围网捕鱼,在离岸区发现了较高的鱼类生物量。相反,沿海地区夜间记录的鱼类生物量较高。 the鱼Abramis brama,蟑螂Rutilus rut​​ilus和鲈鱼Perca fluviatilis在白天的近海鱼类群中占主导地位,而黯淡的Alburnus alburnus在夜间盛行。夜间,和蟑螂的数量大量减少,而鲈鱼却从海上栖息地完全消失了。大小分布和直接渔获物之间的​​差异很大,表明黄昏期间整个种群的暗淡的沿海水平迁移和所有鲈鱼的近岸迁移。另一方面,在黄昏期间观察到了bre和蟑螂成虫的部分近海迁移(分别为52%和80%)。物种和规模类别中近海居民比例的不同表明,规模的差异以及捕食脆弱性是造成观察到的迁移方式的原因。



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