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100 papers to read before you die.


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Success in science is related to productive authorship of research publications that become highly cited by other scientists (Jones, 2005). The acknowledgement that one article gives to another is a reference; the acknowledgement that one article receives from another is a citation (Paladugu et al., 2002). References, i.e. citations to other scientific articles, are the starting poinrfor citation indexing and evaluating scientific impact with the underlying assumption that the number of citations to a particular article reflects its significance in the field (Jones, 2005). Citation analysis is that area of bibliometrics that deals with the study of the relationships between publications and citations. Scientific journals wish to attract well-cited manuscripts, as the more cited its articles, the higher is a journal's impact factor (Paladugu et al, 2002). The impact factor of a journal is calculated by dividing the number of current year citations to the source items published in that journal during the previous 2 years (www.thomsonreuters.com).



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