首页> 外文期刊>Human Reproduction >Mid-cycle serum levels of endogenous LH are not associated with the likelihood of pregnancy in artificial frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles without pituitary suppression.

Mid-cycle serum levels of endogenous LH are not associated with the likelihood of pregnancy in artificial frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles without pituitary suppression.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between clinical pregnancy and serum luteinizing hormone (LH) levels, assessed after 14 days of endometrial preparation with estradiol (E(2)) in the absence of pituitary suppression during a frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FRET) cycle. METHODS: A total of 513 patients undergoing their first FRET cycle (01/99 to 11/05) participated in this prospective study. Endometrium preparation for FRET was started on cycle day 1 and continued for a fixed period of 14 days with trans-dermal E(2) patches. On day 14, serum LH, progesterone and E(2) levels were assessed. On day 15, progesterone supplementation was initiated and patients underwent embryo transfer on day 17 or day 18. The association between clinical pregnancy and LH levels was evaluated in groups of patients defined according to Tukey's Hinges percentile analysis of LH levels on day 14. In addition, robust logistic regression was performed with the dependent variable clinical pregnancy and independent variables LH, progesterone, embryos score, cycle rank and gravidity. RESULTS: Age, BMI, parity, cycle rank, embryo number, embryo score, endometrial diameter, E(2) and progesterone were not significantly different in cycles with low (0.1-8.1 IU/l; n = 132), intermediate (8.2-19.4 IU/l; n = 238) and high (20.0-78.0 IU/l; n = 143) levels of LH, respectively. Clinical pregnancy rates were not significantly different in cycles with low [12.1%, 95% confidence intervel (CI) 7.6-18.8], intermediate (13.4%, 9.7-18.4) and high levels of LH (16.1%, 11.0-23.0). Robust logistic regression analysis indicated that embryo score [Odds ratios (OR) 1.04, 95% CI 1.02-1.06, P < 0.01] was statistically significantly associated with the likelihood of clinical pregnancy achievement, but not day 14 levels of LH or progesterone, gravidity or cycle rank. CONCLUSIONS: The likelihood of clinical pregnancy is not associated with serum LH levels on day 14 of an artificial FRET cycle. Hormonal monitoring of LH levels does not yield useful information with regard to cycle management and patient prognosis, and should therefore not be conducted.
机译:背景:本研究的目的是评估临床妊娠与血清促黄体生成激素(LH)水平之间的关联性,该评估是在子宫内膜预备雌二醇(E(2))14天后,在冷冻过程中不存在垂体抑制的情况下进行的。解冻的胚胎移植(FRET)周期。方法:共有513名患者经历了他们的第一个FRET周期(01/99至11/05),参加了这项前瞻性研究。 FRET的子宫内膜准备工作在第1个周期开始,并使用透皮E(2)贴剂持续固定的14天。在第14天,评估血清LH,孕酮和E(2)的水平。在第15天开始补充黄体酮,并在第17天或第18天对患者进行胚胎移植。根据Tukey对第14天LH水平的Hinges百分位数分析确定的患者组中,评估临床妊娠与LH水平之间的关联。 ,对因变量临床妊娠和因变量LH,孕酮,胚胎评分,周期等级和妊娠率进行了稳健的逻辑回归。结果:在低(0.1-8.1 IU / l; n = 132),中度(8.2)的周期中,年龄,BMI,胎次,周期等级,胚胎数,胚胎评分,子宫内膜直径,E(2)和孕酮无显着差异。 -19.4 IU / l; n = 238)和高(20.0-78.0 IU / l; n = 143)的LH水平。低[12.1%,95%置信区间(CI)7.6-18.8],中度(13.4%,9.7-18.4)和高水平的LH(16.1%,11.0-23.0)的周期中,临床妊娠率无明显差异。稳健的逻辑回归分析表明,胚胎评分[​​几率(OR)1.04,95%CI 1.02-1.06,P <0.01]与临床妊娠成功的可能性在统计学上显着相关,但与第14天的LH或孕激素水平,妊娠率无关或周期等级。结论:人工FRET周期第14天,临床妊娠的可能性与血清LH水平无关。 LH水平的激素监测不能提供有关周期管理和患者预后的有用信息,因此不应进行。



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