首页> 外文期刊>Hypertension: An Official Journal of the American Heart Association >Effect of Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibition on Arterial Blood Pressure is Context Dependent

Effect of Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibition on Arterial Blood Pressure is Context Dependent


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Because the effects of dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) inhibitors on blood pressure are controversial, we examined the long-term effects of sitagliptin (80 mg/kg per day) on blood pressure (radiotelemetry) in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), Wistar-Kyoto rats, and Zucker Diabetic-Sprague Dawley rats (metabolic syndrome model). In SHR, chronic (3 weeks) sitagliptin significantly increased systolic, mean, and diastolic blood pressures by 10.3, 9.2, and 7.9 mm Hg, respectively, a response abolished by coadministration of BIBP3226 (2 mg/kg per day; selective Y-1-receptor antagonist). Sitagliptin also significantly increased blood pressure in SHR treated with hydralazine (vasodilator; 25 mg/kg per day) or enalapril (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; 10 mg/kg per day). In Wistar-Kyoto rats, chronic sitagliptin slightly decreased systolic, mean, and diastolic blood pressures (-1.8, -1.1, and -0.4 mm Hg, respectively). In Zucker Diabetic-Sprague Dawley rats, chronic sitagliptin decreased systolic, mean, and diastolic blood pressures by -7.7, -5.8, and -4.3 mm Hg, respectively, and did not alter the antihypertensive effects of chronic enalapril. Because DPP4 inhibitors impair the metabolism of neuropeptide Y1-36 (NPY1-36; Y-1-receptor agonist) and glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1(7-36)NH2 (GLP-1 receptor agonist), we examined renovascular responses to NPY1-36 and GLP-1(7-36) NH2 in isolated perfused SHR and Zucker Diabetic-Sprague Dawley kidneys pretreated with norepinephrine (to induce basal tone). In Zucker Diabetic-Sprague Dawley kidneys, NPY1-36 and GLP-1(7-36) NH2 exerted little, if any, effect on renovascular tone. In contrast, in SHR kidneys, both NPY1-36 and GLP-1(7-36) NH2 elicited potent and efficacious vasoconstriction. In conclusion: (1) The effects of DPP4 inhibitors on blood pressure are context dependent; (2) The context-dependent effects of DPP4 inhibitors are due in part to differential renovascular responses to its most important substrates (NPY1-36 and GLP-1(7-36) NH2); (3) Y-1 receptor antagonists may prevent the prohypertensive and possibly augment the antihypertensive effects of DPP4 inhibitors.
机译:由于二肽基肽酶4(DPP4)抑制剂对血压的影响是有争议的,因此我们检查了西他列汀(每天80 mg / kg)对自发性高血压大鼠(SHR),Wistar-京都大鼠和祖克糖尿病-斯普拉-道来大鼠(代谢综合征模型)。在SHR中,慢性西他列汀(3周)分别使收缩压,平均血压和舒张压分别显着增加10.3、9.2和7.9 mm Hg,BIBP3226(每天2 mg / kg;选择性Y-1)共同给药可消除这种反应-受体拮抗剂)。西格列汀还显着提高了用肼屈嗪(血管扩张剂;每天25 mg / kg)或依那普利(血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂;每天10 mg / kg)治疗的SHR的血压。在Wistar-Kyoto大鼠中,慢性西他列汀会轻微降低收缩压,平均血压和舒张压(分别为-1.8,-1.1和-0.4 mm Hg)。在Zucker Diabetic-Sprague Dawley大鼠中,慢性西他列汀分别使收缩压,平均血压和舒张压降低了-7.7,-5.8和-4.3 mm Hg,并且没有改变慢性依那普利的降压作用。因为DPP4抑制剂会损害神经肽Y1-36(NPY1-36; Y-1-受体激动剂)和胰高血糖素样肽(GLP)-1(7-36)NH2(GLP-1受体激动剂)的代谢,所以我们检查了肾血管去甲肾上腺素预处理的分离灌注SHR和Zucker糖尿病-Sprague Dawley肾脏对NPY1-36和GLP-1(7-36)NH2的反应(诱导基础基调)。在Zucker糖尿病-Sprague Dawley肾脏中,NPY1-36和GLP-1(7-36)NH2对肾血管张力几乎没有影响。相反,在SHR肾脏中,NPY1-36和GLP-1(7-36)NH2均引起有效的血管收缩。结论:(1)DPP4抑制剂对血压的影响取决于环境; (2)DPP4抑制剂的上下文依赖性效应部分归因于其最重要的底物(NPY1-36和GLP-1(7-36)NH2)的不同的肾血管反应。 (3)Y-1受体拮抗剂可预防DPP4抑制剂的降压作用,并可能增强DPP4抑制剂的降压作用。



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