首页> 外文期刊>HortTechnology >Effect of Sprayer Output Volume and Adjuvants on Efficacy of Clove Oil for Weed Control in Organic Vidalia~R Sweet Onion

Effect of Sprayer Output Volume and Adjuvants on Efficacy of Clove Oil for Weed Control in Organic Vidalia~R Sweet Onion


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Summary. Timely cultivation with a tine weeder and hand weeding are the primary tools for successful weed control in organic sweet onion {Allium cepa), but conditions frequently arise that delay the initial cultivation. Weeds that emerge during the delay are not effectively controlled by cultivation and herbicides derived from natural products may have a role to control the emerged weeds. It has been reported that clove oil herbicide was more effective when sprayers were calibrated for higher output(>50 gal/acre) compared with sprayers calibrated at ^25 gal/ acre. However; when clove oil was applied at the recommended rate of 10% by volume, herbicide cost was doubled when sprayer output volume was doubled. It was theorized that herbicide adjuvantsmight improve clove oil efficacy and reduce weed control cost by not needing to increase sprayer output volume. Trials were conducted from 2010 to 2012 to evaluate all possible combinations of two sprayer output volumes and five herbicide adjuvants usedwith clove oil (10% by volume) for cool season weed control. Sprayer output volumes evaluated were 25 and 50 gal/ acre, using spray tips of differing orifice size. Adjuvants evaluated were a material composed of saponins, citric acid plus garlic extract,an emulsified petroleum oil (EPO) insecticide, a conventional petroleum oil adjuvant (POA), no adjuvant used with clove oil, and a nontreated control. Weed control was not consistently improved by applying clove oil (10% by volume) with a sprayer calibrated at 50 gal/ acre compared with sprayer calibrated at 25 gal/acre. Improvements in weed control that were occasionally seen did not affect onion yield. Adjuvants provided minimal improvement in weed control from clove oil and did not consistently improve onion yield. Based on these results, clove oil does not provide suitable levels of weed control in organic Vidalia~Rsweet onion production to justify the expense.
机译:概要。及时用尖除草剂和人工除草剂进行栽培是成功控制有机甜洋葱(葱属洋葱)杂草的主要手段,但经常出现的条件会延误初始栽培。延迟过程中出现的杂草不能通过耕种有效控制,而天然产物衍生的除草剂可能具有控制杂草的作用。据报道,与以^ 25 gal /英亩校准的喷雾器相比,将喷雾器校准为更高的产量(> 50 gal / acre)时,丁香油除草剂更有效。然而;当丁香油以推荐的10%(体积)的比例施用时,除草剂的成本会随着喷雾器产量的增加而增加一倍。从理论上讲,除草剂佐剂无需增加喷雾器的产量,因此可以提高丁香油的功效并降低杂草控制成本。从2010年至2012年进行了试验,评估了两种喷雾器产量和五种除草剂佐剂与丁香油(按体积计10%)一起用于凉季除草的所有可能组合。使用不同孔口的喷嘴,评估的喷雾器输出量为25和50 gal /英亩。评估的佐剂是由皂苷,柠檬酸加大蒜提取物,乳化石油(EPO)杀虫剂,常规石油佐剂(POA),无丁香油佐剂和未经处理的对照组成的材料。与以25 gal /英亩校准的喷雾器相比,使用丁香油(按体积计10%)喷洒丁香油(校准体积为50 gal /英亩)不能始终如一地改善杂草控制。偶尔看到的杂草控制的改善不会影响洋葱的产量。佐剂对丁香油的杂草控制作用几乎没有改善,并且不能持续提高洋葱产量。基于这些结果,丁香油无法在有机Vidalia〜Rsweet洋葱生产中提供适当水平的杂草控制,因此不能证明其合理性。



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