首页> 外文期刊>HortTechnology >Survival and Yields of Fall-planted Winter Sprouting Broccoli Grown in High Tunnels for Spring Harvest in the Northeastern United States

Survival and Yields of Fall-planted Winter Sprouting Broccoli Grown in High Tunnels for Spring Harvest in the Northeastern United States


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Winter sprouting broccoli [WSB (Brassica oleracea var. italica)] is a biennial crop that is typically planted in the fall and harvested in the spring in the United Kingdom. To evaluate their suitability as an early spring crop in the northeastern United States, 10 cultivars of WSB were grown in replicated experiments inside an unheated high tunnel over 2 years in Durham, NH. Results showed that the use of a secondary low tunnel covered with heavy rowcover (1.25 oz/yard(2)) significantly increased winter survival, yields, and earliness of all WSB cultivars. Cultivars differed in terms of days to maturity, yields, and shoot quality. For September planting dates, broccoli shoots were harvested from March to early May. Across cultivars, days to harvest range from 190 to 216 days in 2008-09, and from 209 to 238 days in 2009-10. Season-long yields ranged from 150 to 238 g/plant. The cultivars, Santee, Red Spear, White Sprouting Early, and Late White Star, were among the highest yielding cultivars that produced attractive and tender shoots, spanning the entire harvest season. Our experiments established that fall plantings of WSB may be overwintered in an unheated high tunnel for a spring harvest in USDA Hardiness Zone 5 sites.
机译:冬季发芽的西兰花[WSB(Brassica oleracea var。italica)]是一种两年生的作物,通常在英国秋季种植,春季收获。为了评估它们在美国东北部作为早春作物的适宜性,在新罕布什尔州达勒姆市的一个未经加热的高空隧道中,经过2年的重复实验,种植了10个WSB品种。结果表明,使用覆盖有沉重行盖的次低矮隧道(1.25盎司/码(2))可显着提高所有WSB品种的冬季存活率,单产和提前性。品种在成熟天数,产量和枝条品质方面有所不同。对于9月的播种日期,从3月至5月初收获了西兰花芽。在各个品种中,2008-09年的收获天数为190至216天,而2009-10年的收获天数为209至238天。整个季节的单株产量为150至238 g。在整个收获季节中,桑蒂,红矛,早白芽和晚白星这些品种是产量最高的品种,它们产生诱人的嫩芽。我们的实验确定,WSB的秋季播种可能会在未加热的高空隧道中越冬,以便在美国农业部(USDA)坚固性5区的春季收获。



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