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Impact of salinity and media on growth and flowering of a hybrid Phalaenopsis orchid.


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The effects of water salinity (0.05, 0.40, 0.75, 1.10 and 1.40 dS/m of electrical conductivity (EC)) on plants of hybrid Phalaenopsis cv. TAM Butterfly grown in 100% fine-grade fir bark, or in a combination of 80% bark and 20% sphagnum peat, were investigated. In both media, flower diameter decreased slightly as salinity increased. Plants in bark had more flowers as salinity increased, but had fewer flowers than those grown in bark + peat. In either medium, salinity had no effect on the number of new leaves produced. As salinity increased, plants in bark had increasingly larger total leaf areas, with a maximum at EC=1.10 dS/m. The leaf area of plants in bark + peat was greater than that of those in bark, but was unaffected by salinity. Root freshmass was lower with increasing salinity in both media. Growing media had no effect on mineral concentration in the leaf. In bark, increasing salinity increased Ca and Na, but had no effect on the concentration of other minerals in leaves. As salinity increased in the bark + peat medium, leaf P, Fe and Cu decreased, K, Ca, Mg, Na and Zn increased, and leaf N was unaffected. Leachate from bark + peat had twice the EC and of a lower pH (4.9) than leachate from bark (5.7).
机译:水盐度(0.05、0.40、0.75、1.10和1.40 dS / m的电导率(EC))对杂种蝴蝶兰植物的影响。研究了在100%优质杉木树皮或80%树皮和20%泥炭藓泥炭的组合中生长的TAM Butterfly。在两种培养基中,随着盐度的增加,花的直径略有减小。随着盐度的增加,树皮中的植物会有更多的花朵,但与树皮+泥炭中的植物相比,它们的花朵更少。在任何一种培养基中,盐度都不会影响新叶片的产生。随着盐度的增加,树皮中的植物总叶面积越来越大,最大值在EC = 1.10 dS / m。树皮+泥炭的植物叶面积大于树皮,但不受盐度影响。两种培养基中盐分的增加都降低了根的新鲜量。生长的培养基对叶片中的矿物质浓度没有影响。在树皮中,盐分的增加会增加Ca和Na的含量,但对叶片中其他矿物质的浓度没有影响。随着树皮+泥炭培养基中盐度的增加,叶片P,Fe和Cu减少,K,Ca,Mg,Na和Zn增加,而叶片N不受影响。树皮+泥炭中的渗滤液的EC值是树皮中的渗滤液(5.7)的两倍,pH值(4.9)较低。



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