首页> 外文期刊>Horticulture,Environment,and Biotechnology >Effects of several pre-cooling methods on shelf-life of red pepper and red sweet pepper fruit.

Effects of several pre-cooling methods on shelf-life of red pepper and red sweet pepper fruit.


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The objectives of the study were to investigate changes in quality of red pepper and red sweet pepper and to determine an optimum level of pre-cooling temperature to prolong the freshness of the fruits. Fruits were stored in three different pre-cooled temperatures of 1, 3 and 5℃. Fruit temperature of red sweet pepper fruits failed to reach 1℃ after 24 hours, while the temperature of red sweet pepper reached 1℃ in 20 hours. Also, temperature of red pepper fruits stored at room temperature showed1 to 2℃ higher than actual room temperature, while the temperature of red sweet pepper fruits showed 1.5℃ higher than the fruits stored at room temperature. Ethylene production of both red pepper and red sweet pepper fruits stored at 7℃ was higher than the fruits pre-cooled at 1℃. However, there were no appreciable difference when the fruits were pre-cooled at 3℃ and 5℃. The respiration rates of red pepper and red sweet pepper fruits stored at 7℃ were two times higher than the fruits pre-cooled at 1℃. Respiration rates of fruits increased with higher precooling temperatures. When the fruits were stored at room temperature, the respiration rate showed much higher than those stored at 7℃. Decaying of red pepper fruits decreased with longer precooling time, while red sweet pepper fruits increased with longer precooling time and decreased with lower precooling temperature.
机译:该研究的目的是调查红辣椒和红甜椒的质量变化,并确定最佳的预冷温度水平,以延长水果的新鲜度。水果在三种不同的1、3和5℃的预冷温度下存储。 24小时后,红甜椒果实的果实温度未达到1℃,而20小时内未达到1℃。另外,室温贮藏的红辣椒果实的温度比实际室温高1〜2℃,而低温贮藏的红辣椒果实的温度比室温高1.5℃。在7℃下储存的红辣椒和红甜椒果实的乙烯产量均高于在1℃下预冷的果实。然而,将水果分别在3℃和5℃下预冷时没有明显差异。在7℃下储存的红辣椒和红甜椒果实的呼吸速率是在1℃下预冷的果实的两倍。水果的呼吸速率随着预冷温度的升高而增加。当果实在室温下保存时,呼吸速率远高于在7℃下保存。红辣椒果实的腐烂随着预冷时间的延长而降低,而红甜椒果实的腐烂随着预冷时间的延长而增加,而随着预冷温度的降低而降低。



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