首页> 外文期刊>Trends in Food Science & Technology >Knowledge transfer from research to industry (SMEs) - an example from the food sector.

Knowledge transfer from research to industry (SMEs) - an example from the food sector.


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With knowledge transfer as a highly relevant topic on the European research agenda, this article deals with the background, the obstacles, and the practical experiences of scientific knowledge transfer, especially to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the European food producing sector. Whilst scientists often are suspected to be in their "ivory tower", enterprises often lack access to sources of innovation which they so urgently need in order to stay competitive. The central obstacles that hamper the transfer of new scientific insights to SMEs are outlined, with trust and language being the most important ones. Suggestions to overcome these barriers are given with reference to the practical experiences gained in the EU FP6 project "PathogenCombat". Initiatives of the European Union are outlined
机译:本文将知识转移作为欧洲研究议程中高度相关的主题,探讨了科学知识转移的背景,障碍和实践经验,特别是对欧洲食品生产部门的中小企业的知识转移。人们通常怀疑科学家在他们的“象牙塔”中,但企业通常缺乏获得其保持竞争力所迫切需要的创新资源。概述了阻碍将新的科学见解传递给中小企业的主要障碍,其中信任和语言是最重要的障碍。参照欧盟FP6项目“ PathogenCombat”中获得的实践经验,提出了克服这些障碍的建议。概述了欧盟的倡议



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