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Ways to Increase the Flight Velocity of a Hypersonic Vehicle


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It is necessary to use a special heat protecting system if an unprotected structure will inevitably be destroyed upon being subjected to energy flux action (convective, radiant, or some other). The most heat resistant metals without heat protection can be used (upper limit), if the heat fluxes are of 0.25 MW/m~2 (surface equilibrium temperature is about of 1500 K). This threshold is determined conditionally since in the majority of cases the heat impact can be worsened by oxidation processes. Recently, thin coatings deposited onto ceramics by means of evaporation and withstanding up to 2000℃ over a hundred hours were developed. They were patented after the Shuttle and Buran flights. It is evident that these achievements in the field of material science should be taken into account when we choose flight conditions for hypersonic vehicles [1].
机译:如果未保护的结构在受到能量通量作用(对流,辐射或其他某种作用)时不可避免地会被破坏,则必须使用特殊的热保护系统。如果热通量为0.25 MW / m〜2(表面平衡温度约为1500 K),则可以使用大多数无热保护的耐热金属(上限)。该阈值是有条件确定的,因为在大多数情况下,热影响会因氧化过程而恶化。近来,已经开发出通过蒸发沉积到陶瓷上的薄涂层,并且可以在长达100小时的时间内承受高达2000℃的高温。它们在航天飞机和Buran飞行之后获得了专利。显然,当我们选择高超音速飞行器的飞行条件时,应该考虑材料科学领域的这些成就[1]。



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