首页> 外文期刊>History of Science: A Review of Literature and Research in the History of Science, Medicine and Technology in Its Intellectual and Social Context >From palaeoanthropology in China to Chinese palaeoanthropology: Science, imperialism and nationalism in North China, 1920-1939

From palaeoanthropology in China to Chinese palaeoanthropology: Science, imperialism and nationalism in North China, 1920-1939


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Before the establishment of the Cenozoic Research Laboratory (Xinshengdai yanjiushi) in 1929, paleoanthropological research in China was mainly in the hands of foreigners, individual explorers as well as organized teams. This paper describes the development of paleoanthropology in China in the 1920s and 1930s and its transformation from the international phase to an indigenized one. It focuses on the international elite scientist network in metropolitan Beijing whose activities and discoveries led to such transformation. The bond between members of the network was built on shared scientific devotion, joint field experience, and social activities. However, such scientific internationalism was not immune from imperialistic and nationalistic interests and competition as most members of the network also belonged to institutions of the dominant hegemonic powers, such as the French Paleontological Mission and the American Museum of Natural History, operating by the logic of international system of imperialism. While these foreign institutions enjoyed relatively unrestricted access to the Chinese frontier and Mongolia in the early 20th century to discover and collect for the establishment of what they saw as universal scientific knowledge, in the late 1920s rising Chinese and Mongolian nationalisms began to interpret these activities as violations to their national sovereignty. The idea of establishing a Chinese institute to carry out paleoanthropological research in China took shape in such milieu. This paper highlights the entanglement between scientific internationalism, imperialism, nationalism in China in the early 20th century and the complicated process of knowledge formation at various national and personal levels.
机译:在1929年建立新生代研究实验室(Xinshengdai yanjiushi)之前,中国的古人类学研究主要由外国人,个人探险家和有组织的团队掌握。本文描述了1920年代和1930年代中国古人类学的发展及其从国际阶段到本土化的转变。它聚焦于北京大都市的国际精英科学家网络,其活动和发现促成了这种转变。网络成员之间的纽带是建立在共同的科学奉献,共同的现场经验和社交活动之上的。但是,这样的科学国际主义并非不受帝国主义和民族主义利益和竞争的影响,因为该网络的大多数成员也属于具有统治权的霸权机构,例如法国古生物学团和美国自然历史博物馆,它们按照国际帝国主义体系。尽管这些外国机构在20世纪初期相对不受限制地进入了中国边境和蒙古,以发现并收集他们认为具有普遍科学知识的知识,但在1920年代后期,崛起的中国和蒙古民族主义开始将这些活动解释为:侵犯其国家主权。在这样的环境下,建立中国研究所进行中国古人类学研究的想法就形成了。本文着重论述了20世纪初中国的科学国际主义,帝国主义,民族主义之间的纠缠,以及各个国家和个人层面知识形成的复杂过程。



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