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Khaki Jack: The Royal Naval Division in the First World War


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This book is possibly not regular fare for a reader of this journal, but it is the type of book which has been produced with increasing regularity since and the commencement of the centenary commemorations of the First World War in 2014. The Royal Naval Division (RND) came into being as the Admiralty realized there was a surplus of men coming forward to rejoin the Royal Navy at the outbreak of war with Germany. Most of these men were not thrilled at the prospect of becoming infantry soldiers, but loyalty saw them accept the task. Such were the numbers available that eight battalions were created and named after famed naval commanders of the Royal Navy: Drake, Benbow, Hawke, Collingwood, Nelson, Howe, Hood and Anson. These were divided into the First and Second Naval Brigades. Alongside these was the Royal Marines Brigade made up of four battalions of marines. These battalions took their names from the naval ports of Chatham, Deal, Plymouth and Portsmouth.
机译:本书可能不适合本期刊的读者阅读,但自2014年第一次世界大战百周年纪念活动开始以来,这种类型的书就越来越有规律地出版。皇家海军师(RND) )的产生是由于金钟意识到在与德国战争爆发时会有大量人员重新加入皇家海军。这些人中的大多数对成为步兵的前景并不感到兴奋,但忠诚度使他们接受了任务。这样的数字可以创建八个营,并以皇家海军著名的海军指挥官命名:德雷克,本博,霍克,科林伍德,尼尔森,豪,胡德和安森。这些被分为第一海军旅和第二海军旅。除了这些,还有由四个营的海军陆战队组成的皇家海军陆战队。这些营的名字取自查塔姆,德莱,普利茅斯和朴茨茅斯的海军港口。



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